Voice Initial Queue Report


The Voice Initial Queue Report provides the Queue details at a call level based on the initial Queue the call entered. It belongs to the Queue Reports Report Group. Below are some of the scenarios where this Report is beneficial:

  • Track service levels at the overall call level, measured from the initial Queue the call entered.

  • Monitor overall contact center performance based on total calls received, calls answered, calls abandoned by agents, and various handle times.

  • Track Queue abandons, Queue abandons while ringing, customer abandons, agent assignments, and agent abandons at the overall call level.

Note: This report is only applicable for inbound calls.



Behavior of User Custom Fields

Not Supported.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields

Case Level Custom Fields (CF) are supported in this Report. Plotting any Case Level CF will display the value attribute for that field on the Case. This same value will be shown for all calls/records within that Case, even if there are multiple Conversation IDs.

There are also 'Old Value' type CFs that store the value associated with the field while the call was ongoing (applicable if CFs can be updated after call completion). These can be set up and customized in the Dimension Configurator.

Date Filter

Call Start Time.

Record Creation Time

When the call disconnects.

Refresh Frequency

5 minutes.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Voice Initial Queue Report:



Calls Requested For an Agent

Measures the number of calls which were requested for an agent including both inbound and outbound calls.

Calls Assigned to Agent

Measures the number of calls that are assigned to the first agent in the Queue.

Number of Connected Calls

Number of calls where agent and customer both connected on the call, including inbound and outbound calls dialed.

Calls Abandoned in Queue

Number of calls that entered in the queue and abandoned before being connected with the agent.

Total Customer Short Abandons

Total number of calls where the customer abandoned the call before the agent was connected on the call, including for both inbound and outbound calls within the selected threshold in the "service settings screen"(it is based on service level KPI threshold in the service setting screen).

Service Level (Call)

Measures the service level of overall calls entering the initial Queue, that is, number of connected calls within a threshold that is defined in "service settings screen" over total number of calls requested (excluding the short abandons).

Total Wait Time

Total time a customer had to wait before the call was either answered or abandoned by the agent/ customer. This is a sum of time spent in Queue and time the call was ringing on the agent console (if requested for the agent).

Speed of Answer

Total time a customer had to wait before the call was answered by the agent/ customer. This is a sum of time spent in queue and time the call was ringing on the agent console (only calculated for calls with both agent and customer connected).

Ring Time (Call)

Indicates ring time of the call irrespective of inbound or outbound call.

First Queue Time (Call)

Time spent by the call in the first Queue before that requesting for an agent.

% Calls Abandoned While Waiting

Calls abandoned after requesting for an agent / Number of calls requested for an agent for both inbound and outbound calls.

Total ACW Time (Call)

Time spent filling the ACW based on values selected in "service settings screen".

Total Hold Time (Call)

Total time for which customer was put on hold.

Total Talk Time (Call)

Total time spent in talking.

Average Handle Time

Average of total handle time as per values selected in "service settings screen" over total number of connected calls.

Total Handle Time

Depicts the total handle time of the conversation including the talk time, hold time, preview time, wrap time, and more, based on metrics selected in the "service settings screen".

% Calls Abandoned Within SLA

% of calls abandoned within the time frame selected in service settings screen over total number of calls requested.

% Calls Abandoned Outside SLA

% of calls abandoned outside the time frame selected in service settings screen over total number of calls requested.


Average speed of answer per connected calls.

% Connected Calls

% of calls connected over total number of calls requested for an agent in the particular queue.

Number of Connected Calls Within SLA

Number of Connected Calls within the selected time frame in service settings screen based on call wait time (It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen).

Number of Connected Calls Outside SLA

Number of Connected Calls outside the selected time frame in service settings screen based on call wait time (It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen).

% Calls Connected Outside SLA

% of calls connected outside the time frame selected in service settings screen over total number of calls requested ((It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen).

Number of Abandoned Calls Within SLA

Number of calls abandoned after coming in the queue within the selected time frame in service settings screen based on wait time. (It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen)

% Calls Abandoned Within SLA

% of calls abandoned within the time frame selected in service settings screen over total number of calls requested (It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen).

% Calls Abandoned Outside SLA

% of calls abandoned outside the time frame selected in service settings screen over total number of calls requested (It is determined by the KPI- Service Level and the threshold that is set while configuring that KPI in the service settings screen)



Initial Work Queue

Depicts the name of the initial Work Queue where the call went in.

Call Start Time

Timestamp when the particular call started.

First Engaged Agent Offer Time

Indicates the time when the first engaged agent accepts the offer for the call.

Queue Request Time

Date Timestamp when the call was requested to enter the Queue or requested to connect with an agent.


Indicates the direction of the call with respect to the customer. If the call is dialed in by customer, it will be termed as inbound and if the call is dialed out by the Sprinklr agent it will be termed as outbound.

Case Details

Associated Case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID and the Description.

Voice Application

Name of the voice application configured in the system to receive or dial out the calls of the center.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the Case.

Conversation Id

Unique ID associated with that particular call. (There can be multiple calls associated to a Case, and each call will have a separate and unique conversation ID).

Customer Phone Number

Phone number of the customer associated on the call.

Contact Centre Phone Number

This will indicate the contact center phone number from where the call is initiated (outbound - manual/ preview) or where the call is received (inbound and outbound predictive).


Date on which the event occurred.

Day of Year

This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st.

Time of day

The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Day of Time Range

This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.


The name of the social network account. When used with Case details, this will display the name of the "Brand Account" through which the first message associated to the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

First Engaged Agent ID

Agent ID of the first agent engaged on the call (first engaged agent refers to the one to agent which was first connected on the call).

First Engaged Agent Email ID

Email ID of the first engaged agent. (first engaged agent refers to the one to agent which was first connected on the call).

First Engaged Agent Name

Name of the first engaged agent. (first engaged agent refers to the one to agent which was first connected on the call).

First Engaged Agent Group

Agent Group for which the first engaged agent is a part of, if they are part of multiple groups, it will create multiple rows.

First Engaged Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of the first engaged agent associated on the call.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Voice Initial Queue Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.