| |
| Name of the user to whom the call was assigned. If call was assigned to 2 different agents, it will show names of both the agents. |
Is Abandoned? (Per Assignment) | A Boolean field indicating if the particular call to the Queue was abandoned or not, that is, was not accepted by the agent or abandoned by the customer. |
| Provides the data when the particular call started. If an aggregation is applied, it will provide call start time interval. |
Final Skills Associated with Call (Comma Separated) | Indicates entire list of Skills which were latest associated to the call in a comma separated format. If the call is transferred, transfer Skills will add on to the original list of Skills. |
Final Skills Associated with Call | Indicates entire list of Skills which were latest associated to the call. If there are multiple Skills, it will split in multiple rows. |
Is Call Originated in Queue? (Per Assignment) | A Boolean field indicating if the call was originated in the particular work Queue or not based on each unique assignment to the Queue. |
Work Un-Assignment Interval | Indicates the time interval when work was un-assigned from a certain stage. To be used with work assignee type, and new work assignee type. |
| Email ID of the user to whom the call was assigned. |
Did Agent Missed Offer Due To Page Refresh Or Page Close? | A Boolean field indicating if the call was missed post the agent assignment due to page refresh or page close. Mostly used for debugging and not to be used in reporting. |
| Indicates the previous stage where the particular work went through. This includes Work Queue, inbox, user, outbox as 4 different stages. |
| Indicates the reason for each work assignment at every stage. |
Is Call Flew In? (Per Assignment) | A Boolean field indicating if the particular assignment to the Queue came in the from another Queue. |
| The nature of invite for the agent, can be: IVR_INVITE, AGENT_TRANSFER, AGENT_INVITE based on the agent voice performance report. |
| Indicates the time when work was assigned to a certain stage. To be used with work assignee type, and new work assignee type. |
| Indicates the unique ID of each associated Work Queue. |
| Provides the name of the associated Work Queue. If the Work Queue is not shared with the particular user, it will show the unique ID of the Queue. |
| The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings. |
Routing Config Waited Till | Indicates the date timestamp till when the internal routing configuration was on wait before assigning it to the Queue/ agent. Mostly used for debugging and not to be used in reporting. |
| Provides the name of the backup Queue to which the call is assigned from the primary Queue. |
| Indicates the time when work was un-assigned from a certain stage. To be used with work assignee type, and new work assignee type. |
| Indicates the ID of the assigned stage where the particular work went through. This includes Work Queue ID, or the user ID based on to whom the work is assigned. |
| Boolean field denoting if the particular call was an ACW Callback (Re-Dial via ACW Screen) (True/False). |
| Indicates the ID of the assigned stage to which the work is assigned from the previous stage. This includes Work Queue ID or the user ID based on to whom the work is assigned. |
| Internal ID of the unique assignment of the call to the Queue. Mostly used for debugging, and to be used in reporting. |
Work Queue Assignment Time | Indicates the date timestamp for when the particular call was assigned to the Work Queue. |
Last Work Queue Assignment Time | Indicates the date timestamp when the call was last/ latest assigned to the Work Queue. |
Reason to Skip Holding Queue | Provides reasons as to why the call skipped from the holding Queue stage. Mostly used for debugging and not to be used in reporting. |
| Associated Case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID and the Description. |
| Indicates the name of the agent who transferred the call to another agent or Queue. If call was transferred by 2 different agents, it will show names of both the agents. |
| Defines how the particular Case/ call is assigned to the Queue (it can be from Case or task). |
Is Abandoned while Ringing? | A Boolean field indicating if the call was abandoned during ringing to the agent post the call was assigned to the agent. |
| Provides the status of the routing config if it is in progress, completed or on hold. Mostly used for debugging and not to be used in reporting. |
| Depicts the type of the call based on the invite reason including values like transfer, whisper barge in, IVR invite, and so on. |
| Provides the data timestamp when the particular call started. |
Original Skills Associated with Call (Comma Separated) | Indicates entire list of Skills which were originally associated to the call in a comma separated format. |
Original Skills Associated with Call | Indicates entire list of Skills which were originally associated to the call. If there are multiple Skills, it will split in multiple rows. |
| Indicates the unique ID of each work that is assigned to a particular Queue or to a particular stage. |
Is Abandoned while Waiting in Queue? | A Boolean field indicating if the call was abandoned while waiting in the Queue before it was assigned to an agent. |
Is Call Flew Out? (Per Assignment) | A Boolean field indicating if the particular assignment to the Queue went out from the Queue. |
| Indicates the new stage to which the work is assigned from the previous stage. This includes Work Queue ID, or the user ID based on to whom the work is assigned. |
| The ID number associated to the Case Details. |
| Depicts the Phone number of the customer associated on the call. |
| Provides the details/ name of the work that was created. |
| The name of the social network account. When used with Case details, this will display the name of the "Brand Account" through which the first message associated to the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created. |
| Indicates the time interval when work was assigned to a certain stage. To be used with work assignee type, and new work assignee type. |
| Indicates the date timestamp when the particular work was created/ assigned to the Queue. |
| Indicates the channel for which work is created - governing the exact capacity that the interaction or case should be allotted and is controlled via Agent’s Capacity Configuration. This is mostly used for deep-diving and debugging the assignments. |
| Agent Groups for which the User is part of, if they are part of multiple groups, it will create multiple rows. |
| Provides the name of the channel associated on the Case. This dimension can be used to segment a common metric across multiple channels and will show the list of all channels associated to the first message of the Case. |
| Indicates the name of the assigned stage where the particular work went through. This includes Work Queue name or the user’s name or unassigned if the work is unassigned based on to whom the work is assigned. |
| A Boolean field indicating if the call was a transferred call or not. |
| The Sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated. |
| Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated. |
| Date on which the event occurred. |
| This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st. |
| The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. |
Time of day (30 minutes interval) | The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. |
Time of Day (15 Minute Interval) | The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. |
| This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday. |
| The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred. |
| The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred. |
| Unique ID associated with that particular call. (There can be multiple calls associated to a Case, and each call will have a separate and unique conversation ID). |
| This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1, and so on. |
| Indicates the direction of the call with respect to the customer. If the call is dialed in by customer, it will be termed as inbound and if the call is dialed out by the Sprinklr agent it will be termed as outbound. |
| Boolean field indicating if the call was a scheduled callback or not. |
| Boolean field indicating True if the particular call is a manual call or not. |
Work Queue Assignment Time Interval | Time interval for when the particular call was assigned to the work queue. It is based on Work Queue Assignment Time (Based on aggregation selected at the widget level, this can break into 15mins range to quaterly range and so on) |