Distribution Overview



The Distribution Tab serves as a comprehensive platform for disseminating surveys across multiple channels. It offers essential tools for reaching your audience and gathering feedback efficiently, including QR codes, anonymous links, personalised links, email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, and targeted distributions based on specific conditions.

Access Distibution Tab

You can access the Distribution tab via the top navigation bar.

Distribution Overview Tab

The Distribution Overview tab summarizes response metrics across various distribution channels.

Response Trend by Channel

Response metrics are visualized through a response trend chart, illustrating the number of responses collected via each channel over time.

You can customize the metrics chart by adding or removing metrics for various distribution channels. This can be done using the pin icon that appears when hovering over the channel name.

Counter Summaries Widget

The summaries widget provides you with key metrics related to distributions and their performance.

Widget Metrics

  1. Total Distributions: This metric shows the total number of individual distributions established across different distribution channels.

  2. Active Distributions: This metric reflects the total number of active individual distributions across various channels. Active distributions are those that have been set up but are either not yet triggered or are currently in the process of being triggered.

  3. Total Surveys Sent: This metric represents the total number of respondents who have been sent the survey.

  4. Total Responses: This metric indicates the cumulative number of responses collected from these distributions to date.

  5. Response Rate: This metric shows the average response rate achieved through these distributions, calculated as a percentage of total responses received relative to the total surveys sent.

Summary by Channel Table

The summary table displays essential metrics categorized by each distribution channel, offering a contrast to the aggregated metrics shown in the counter widget.

In the table, each distribution channel constitutes a row item, while columns are allocated for each of the key metrics.

These columns offer valuable insights into the performance and status of distribution channels, assisting in the monitoring and optimization of distribution strategies.

  1. Total Distributions: This metric indicates the total number of individual distributions created for a specific distribution channel.

  2. Active Distributions: This metric represents the total number of active individual distributions within a specific distribution channel. These distributions are either awaiting activation or currently in progress.

  3. Responses: This metric indicates the cumulative number of responses collected through the distribution channel to date.

  4. Response Rate: This metric reflects the average response rate achieved through the distribution channel, calculated as a percentage of total responses received relative to the total surveys sent.

  5. Audience Size: This metric indicates the total number of unique recipients for whom the distribution has been set up.

  6. Status: This column represents the overall status of the distribution for each channel, with possible statuses including "Active" and "Paused.

Distribution overview dashboard level filters

  1. Time range filter: You can apply a time filter to the metrics displayed in the overview tab.

  2. Status indicator: You can view the overall status of distributions set for the survey.

  3. Pause Distribution: You can pause any further distribution of the survey via any of the channels at once, using the “Pause Distribution” CTA.

    You will receives a warning before confirming the action to pause all distributions. Pausing distribution also stops fetching responses from any of the survey links and formats.

  4. Create New Distribution: You can create new distributions via the CTA.

    You can access to all the distribution channels via this CTA.

    1. Click Distribution > Create New Distribution.

    2. Select Distribution Type.

Additionally, you can select the distribution type from the dropdown.

We can distribute the survey via these channels:

  1. Anonymous Link

  2. Email

  3. Social Media

  4. QR Code

  5. SMS

  6. WhatsApp

  7. Personal Link

Anonymous Link

Access/ Manager Anonymous Link

  1. Select Anonymous link from the dropdown.

  2. Click Pause Distribution to pause distribution. A disclaimer will pop-up for paused distributions.

  3. Click Active Distribution to resume distribution.

Distribution Summary

You can see key survey metrics specific to Anonymous link-based distribution on this screen.

  1. Total Responses: Total number of responses submitted for the survey.

  2. Survey Started: The number of times a respondent interacted with at least one survey question.

  3. Completition Rate: The percentage of times the survey was completed.

QR Code Distribution

You can distribute the survey using a QR code. You can download the QR code in either PDF or PNG format using the download button associated with the QR code. They can select the desired format from the dropdown menu next to the download button.

  1. QR Scan Code: The number of times this QR code was scanned.

  2. Survey Started: The number of times the survey was started with the QR code scan. Interacting with at least one of the questions or entering the Survey from the intro page increases this count.

  3. Completion Rate: The percentage of complete responses were submitted from total responses.

  4. Total Responses: Total number of responses partial + complete.

    You will also have access to a custom time range filter that can allow seeing the metrics for a particular time.

Manage QR Code

  1. Edit QR Code: Click Edit option to edit QR code:

    1. Name: Add Name to the QR Code.

    2. Description: Add description.

    3. Start Date: Add start date.

    4. Expiration Date: Add Expiration date.

    5. Limit Submissions per respondent: Toggle right to limit submissions per respondents.

      1. Allowed Submissions: Add submission value.

      2. Reset limit after time interval: Toggle right to reset the limit.

    6. Custom Fields: Add custom fields and select the value.

    7. Click Save.

  2. Get Embed Code: Click Get Embed Code to embed code.

  3. Pause Distribution: Click Pause Distribution to pause it.