Facebook as a Benchmarking source


By adding a Facebook link for brand Benchmarking, you can listen to and learn from Facebook data from public pages and perform competitive analysis.

Facebook is a service for more than two billion people to freely express themselves across countries and cultures and in dozens of languages. Facebook is one of the highly sought-after channels when it comes to listening to the voice of netizens. Brands can monitor the sentiment of these mentions and achieve use cases around PR campaigns and marketing campaigns among many others.

Overview of Facebook as a source

  • Source: Facebook

  • Source of data: Public APIs

  • Latency

    • Every 2 hours for the first 3 days after posting

    • Once a day for the rest period of monitoring

  • Historical data:

    • Auto backfill: 2 years from the addition of account in Sprinklr

    • Manual backfill: 3 years from the addition of account in Sprinklr

  • Duration of monitoring: 60 days

  • Fan messages supported: Yes

  • Limitation: Profile information of users is not visible

Facebook-specific data entities in Benchmarking




Facebook Post Angry


Total Facebook angry reactions.

Facebook Post Wow


Total Facebook wow reactions.

Facebook Post Haha


Total Facebook haha reactions.

Facebook Post Love


Total Facebook love reactions.

Facebook Post Sad


Total Facebook sad reactions.

Facebook Post Comments + Replies


The sum of comments and replies across the Facebook pages.

Facebook Post Comments + Replies Trend


The sum of comments and replies across the Facebook pages. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Facebook Post Haha Trend


Facebook Haha Reactions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Facebook Post Love Trend


Facebook Love Reactions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Facebook Post Sad Trend


Facebook sad Reactions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Facebook Post Wow Trend


Facebook wow Reactions. This is a trend metric, presenting a value by the date of engagement.

Major Facebook-supported engagement stats




Account Followers


The number of followers.

Volume of Published Messages


The number of outbound messages that have been published.

Brand Messages


The number of outbound messages that have been published by the brand page. This metric can be used with dimensions like Message Subtype.

Message Count


The total number of messages for an account including inbound and outbound messages.

Account Total Engagements


Account Total Engagement is the sum of engagements for an account per day. This will also include engagements on posts published outside the selected time range

Volume of Fan Messages Replied


Number of messages to which the brand replied;

Parent Message


Indicates the type of message of the parent of the post to the inbound message. See Message Type for an explanation of available types.

Fan Messages


Fan Messages include all comments, replies, and mentions made by a fan on the brand's account page.

Fan Messages Replied Count


Count of Fan Messages on which the brand has replied.

Fan Messages Not Replied Count


Count of Fan Messages on which the brand has not yet replied.

How to add Facebook link inside brand?

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Platform Modules, click All Settings within Listen.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, search and select Brands within Manage Customer.

  3. Click Add Brand in the top right corner of the Brands window.

  4. Under the Account section, click Add More Accounts to add a new account.

  5. On the Add More Accounts popup window, enter single or multiple URLs of the Facebook accounts to be added.​​

  6. Click Add. For successful addition, a success message will be displayed saying "URLs have been successfully added to our database". On failure, an error message will be displayed as "Please correct the errors and resubmit".

  7. Click Save.


  • It might take between 2 to 24 hours for data to populate on the Benchmarking dashboards. There is no fixed time frame.

  • While adding account URLs, make sure you keep your account URLs fixed to the domain name, excluding the remaining path in the Add Account URL fields. For example –

    Incorrect wayhttp://abc123.com/solutions/example=...test2#section3 (will not fetch results for that account)

    Correct way – http://abc123.com/solutions

  • A maximum of 10 accounts can be added at a time in the Add URL section with comma(,) separated.

  • Only Public pages can be accessed in Benchmarking. Group pages, community pages, and private accounts are not supported in Benchmarking.

Frequently asked questions

Facebook has pages with a parent-child framework. This is a feature added recently in Facebook where if your organization is spread across and there is a need for region-specific Facebook pages, then creating a global account will provide you with child accounts for each region.

Parent-child Facebook pages don’t show individual regions’ followers count but just give the count of global followers due to Facebook API limitations. So, The data plotted against "account followers" for this type of account is always 0 as it is not a regular account.

Global Facebook followers are the appropriate metric to be used for such types of accounts.

  • Local Business or Place.

  • The company, Organization, or Institution.

  • Brand or Product.

  • Artist, Band, or Public Figure.

  • Entertainment.

  • Cause or Community.

Not supported:

  • Group pages

  • Private accounts/pages

No, due to API limitations.

No, due to API limitations.

Whenever a new account is added in benchmarking, by default the backfill is triggered for 180 days, and if not you can raise a ticket for backfill to the data team which can be backfilled up to 3 years from that date.


API Limitation

Group Events


Group Docs


Group Files


Group Live Videos


List of Users on the Group who have chosen to share their publicly available profile information with apps installed on the Group


Group Albums


Group Posts/Feed


Group Photos


Group Videos


Group Message


Comments & Posts made to Groups


Facebook API limitations do not allow access to the exact count of account followers for private accounts, so in those places, the number of people who liked the page is regarded as account followers.