Entity operator in the Topic builder


In this article, you will learn how to use the Entity operator in Topic Builder to build topics easily and efficiently.

Building a Topic/Keyword list to fetch mentions on an interested brand, person, or location can be very tedious, requiring long and complex queries to filter out unwanted spam from the data and maximize the scope of relevant content.

  • Entity operator filters out spam effectively:

    Trying to fetch mention of Apple Inc. and its products using the query “Apple” can fetch a lot of spam as the word “Apple” can also correspond to many other things, such as fruit. In this way, the Entity operator can effectively avoid mentions that don't correspond to the Apple brand.

  • Entity operator captures implicit mentions efficiently:

    The user would also miss out on the mentions of Apple products that are mentioned implicitly without a brand name, such as “Mac," if he searches for the query "Apple". Using the Entity operator avoids using long and complex queries to fetch all the relevant mentions about the brand, thus maximizing the scope of content relevancy.


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To use the Entity operator:

  1. Go to the ‘Advanced’ section in ‘Setup Query’ tab in Topic Builder.

  2. Choose the ‘Entity’ operator.

  3. Type in query to describe brand, person, or location for which you want to fetch mentions.

  4. From the dropdown, you can select desired entity by either mouse click or by pressing keyboard shortcut ‘Tab


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With the ‘Entity’ operator, user can create topics quickly and efficiently. User will be able to filter out spams, receive high-quality and genuine conversations easily.


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