Refine your brand research using Search Operators in Listening advanced queries


More granular and specific mentions can be pulled with Search Operators in Advanced Queries, for your targeted research.

Sprinklr’s search operators (also known as advance operators) such as message, title, language, author, country, etc. (see the complete list here) can be used across Topics, Themes, Quick Search, and Keyword Queries. Search operators allow you to –

  • Create more in-depth and accurate topics and themes to capture mentions as per your use-case

  • Optimize your mentions' consumption

Other than Search Operators, Sprinklr supports two more operator types –

  • Exact Match Operators

  • Operators for Getting Post Replies/Comments

How are Search Operators different from Boolean operators?

Boolean operators (like AND, OR, NEAR, etc.) mainly fetches data from all available sources against the keyword that is mentioned in the query, but Search Operators are used with them to refine the data on the basis of key attributes (like location, source, follower).

For example – 

List of supported Search operators


Syntex with example



Places where they can be used


author: "Tim Soulo"

This will search for the posts/messages posted by Tim Soulo.

Works with –

  • All web channels

  • Social Channels (does not support Quora, Instagram Flickr, RSS feed)

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


authorContaining: "Justin"

This will search for the posts with an author whose name contains "Justin", for example, JustinBlake, iamjustin.

Works with –

  • All web channels

  • Social Channels (does not support Quora, Instagram Flickr, RSS feed)

Note: For Twitter, this operator matches text with the account handle

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


title: sprinklr

This will search for the messages like review, heading, etc. whose titles contain Sprinklr.

Works with –

  • All web & traditional channels

  • Social Channels ( Mainly fetches from YouTube, WordPress, Reddit)

  • Also works with IGTV posts for Instagram, and album post for Facebook

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


message:"world cup 2021"

This will search for the messages that have World Cup 2021 in their description/text.

Fetches mentions from every source

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


language: en

This will search for the posts/messages in the specified language, i.e. English.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


This will fetch mentions from the profiles with a specific number of followers.

Valid only for social channels

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


userbio: "avid WWE fan"

This will search for mentions that have "avid WWE fan" in their userbio.

Mainly fetches mentions from Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Quora, Facebook

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


country: IN

This will filter the mentions specific to country: IN (India).

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


messageType: ("Twitter Mentions" OR "Twitter Retweets")

It can be used as a filter operator to fetch only specific message types.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


source: Twitter

It can be used as a filter operator with AND condition to get messages from specific sources.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query (works at dashboard level, but not at widget level)


parentTitle: "Royal Rumble" ~2

This will fetch mentions whose parent title has keywords "Royal" and "Rumble" in the proximity of 2 words.

Fetches comments and replies from YouTube and Reddit

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


parentMessage: (Sachin OR Ronaldo OR Cricket OR Football)

This will fetch mentions whose parent message contains text keywords Sachin or Ronaldo or Cricket or Football.

  • Works for social channels only.

  • Does not fetches the message, instead fetches comments and replies.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


displayName: "John Doe"

This will search for the posts with an author whose User Name exactly matches "John Doe", for example, John Doe, john doe.

Works only for Twitter

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


displayNameContaining: "John"

This will search for the posts with an author whose User Name contains "John", for example, John Doe, Real John Doe.

Works only for Twitter

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


url: ""

This will search for mentions from url

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


url: "" NOT inUrl: hgz0cgj

This search query will exclude the results whose url includes the term "hgz0cgj".

Enablement note: To learn more about getting this operator enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

  • Topic/Theme



This will search for mentions from the site

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


links: ""

This will search for the link in the mentions

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


city: paris

This will search for mentions from the city Paris.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


state: california

This will search for mentions from the state California.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


continent: asia

This will search for mentions that have been identified as from Asia.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


gender: FEMALE

This will search for mentions from authors whose gender has been detected as female.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


latitude: [-45 TO 45]

Includes mention from latitude range -45 to 45

Valid Range: [-90 to 90]

Works only for Twitter, TV, and Forums

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


longitude: [-120 TO 60]

Includes mention from longitude range -120 to 60

Valid Range: [-180 to 180]

Works only for Twitter, TV, and Forums

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query

single line comment

(Covid OR Corona) NEAR/5 Pandemic //Corona Query

Here Corona Query is a comment.

  • Topic/Theme


engagingWith: Sprinklr

This will search for mentions (replies/retweets) of the Sprinklr Twitter handle.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


guid: 1448997596232572930


Track a specific Tweet based on its ID. The Tweet ID can be obtained from the end of a Tweet URL Eg:

guid stands for Globally Unique IDentifier

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


engagingWithGuid: 1448997596232572930


Track retweets, Quoted Retweets, comments, and replies to a specific Tweet based on its ID. The Tweet ID can be obtained from the end of a Tweet URL Eg:

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


mediaType: PHOTO

This will search for mentions that contain photos.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


quotedMessage: (keywords)

This will fetch data only from the quoted part of the quoted tweet, not the original tweet.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Keyword Query


rating: 3

​​rating: [3 TO 5]

Search for reviews with a rating of 3-star rating only

Search for reviews with ratings of 3 to 5-star ratings

Valid Range: [0 to 5]

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


photoBrand: Sprinklr

Search for mentions that contain a logo from the specified brand.

(Applicable for Visual Insights)

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


photoObject: Headphones

Search for mentions that contain images with the specified object.

(Applicable for Visual Insights)

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query

Phrase Comment


<<<phone style>>> (flip OR touch) AND <<<phone color>>> (Black OR Blue)

The query will search for keywords (flip OR Touch) AND (Black OR Blue), and ignore anything written within the phrase comments.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


commentOnSnId: 1234567890

This query will track comments on a specific parent SNID. The SNID can be obtained from the end of a URL.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


replyToSnId: 1234567890

This query will track replies for a specific parent SNID. The SNID can be obtained from the end of a URL.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


retweetOfSnId: 1448997596232572930

This query will track retweets to a specific Tweet based on its ID.

The Tweet ID can be obtained from the end of a Tweet URL. Eg:

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query


engagingWithConversationId: "1448997596232572930"

This query will track comments and replies to the specified parent post based on its ID.

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query



Filter mentions at the given sampled percentage

Valid Range: [1 to 99] Integers only are allowed

  • Topic/Theme

  • Quick Search

  • Keyword Query

Use cases

As an analyst –

The below query will fetch mentions containing "headphones", "earphones" from accounts on Twitter that have YouTuber, content creator in their bio and have followers ranging from 10k to 10 million.

The query shown below will fetch you 1 to 3 star rating reviews from flipkart and amazon.

The below query will track the tweet having guid: 1448997596232572930. (Every tweet has a unique guid that can be found at the end of the url).

The below query will fetch all tweets having “” in their links irrespective of different paths.

For example – It will fetch "", "", "", etc.

The below query will fetch Facebook replies, Twitter mentions from India that contains the keyword "sneaker" in it.

Difference between title and parentTitle



The title operator helps you search the keyword within the title field of a particular message.

The parentTitle operator helps you search the keyword within the title field of a parent message linked to a particular message.

Difference between message and parentMessage



The message operator helps you search the keyword within the message field of a particular message.

The parentMessage operator helps you search the keyword within the title field of a parent message linked to a particular message.


  • Sample operator

    • While Topic estimation, Sampling will not reflect the Sampled Estimates but rather the full matching results.

    • Topic level sampling also works on all sources rather than just Twitter.

    • There are no query-based limitations on combining with any queries.

    • When used in a topic, only the specified percentage of the sample is fetched. For example, if sample:50 is provided, the topic fetches 50% (a representative sample) of the overall matched mentions.

    • When used in a theme or as a keyword query on a dashboard along with topic/topics, the data sampled on the dashboard will vary depending on the sampling percentages on the Topic.

    • Multiple sample operators can be used. For example, (Sprinklr AND sample:80) OR ("Customer Experience" AND sample:20) would fetch 80% of all Sprinklr mentions and 20% of all "Customer Experience" mentions (without any overlaps).

  • Any operator like Search or Exact Match has a particular syntax, and you must adhere to these while using them in advanced queries.

  • Operators like country, language, city, state, url, links, and site are multi-valued, i.e. one can use site: ( OR

  • Search Operators can be used in Topics and Themes, and also in Quick Search (Listening Explorer).

  • To use Language as a search operator, you have to enter the language code.

  • To use Country as a search operator, you have to enter the country code.

  • The userbio search operator only works for Twitter. For Facebook & Instagram, we do not pull userbio for earned data.

  • The parentMessage operator works for Twitter and Reddit.

Syntax for Follower operator

You can use the follower operator when you want to fetch mentions from the profiles with a specific number of followers. For example –

  • followers: [10 TO 100] – inclusive of 10 and 100

  • followers: {10 TO 100] – inclusive of 100 and exclusive of 10

  • followers: [10 TO 100} – inclusive of 10 and exclusive of 100

  • followers: {10 TO 100} – exclusive of 10 and 100

Scope and limitations

  • Search Operators (aka Advanced Operators) can only be used in the Listening Advanced Queries.

  • The Topic Preview option is supported by all the Advanced Operators.

  • The Backfill option is supported with these operators – language, author, title, country, followers, userbio, message, city, state, site, url, links, latitude, and longitude.

  • In the case of using both Advanced Operators (Language/country) and Advanced Topics settings field for language/country of topic creation, the final query will contain both the filters.

  • Search Operators can be used in the Boolean query in the advanced query box/field, and they will not work with Exact Match. For Exact Match, you need to use Exact Operators.

Hence, if conflicting values of language are mentioned while making a topic and inside an advanced query, then no result will be returned.

For example: While creating a topic if it is mentioned that the language should be EN and in the topic query, the advanced query is like this: language: FR, then the final query will be something like this language: EN AND language: FR, which would match with no mentions.