How to import a file using FPDI


Sprinklr’s FPDI offers the capability to import message and its related custom data in the form of an excel file, which can be viewed and ingested into Social Listening. Additionally, users can now transform the data on Sprinklr before it can be ingested into Social Listening. 


What file formats are supported in FPDI?  

The FPDI data can be ingested into Sprinklr in the form of an XLS, XLSX and CSV file as input. 


Where can users access FPDI on Sprinklr? 

Users can access First Party Data Ingestion (FPDI) in Sprinklr Insights under Data Engine 


This opens the First Party Data Ingestion record manager,  


In the record manager, you will find the following columns: 

  1. Data Ingestion File Name: This column contains the File Name that you provide while ingesting the file. 

  2. Status: This column indicates the status of the data ingestion process. “Completed” status indicates that the file has been completed, while the “Failed” status indicates that the file ingestion could not be completed due to an error. 

  3. Data Ingestion File Tag: This column contains the File Tag that you selected while ingesting the file.  

  4. Mapping Template: This column contains the Data Mapping Template that you used while ingesting the file. If you did not use any Data Mapping Template, this column would contain “-”. 

  5. Function Template: This column contains the Function Mapping Template that you used while ingesting the file. If you did not use any Function Mapping Template, this column would contain “-”. 

Note: The above list contains only the most important columns. The record manager also contains other columns that are not explained above here. 


How to upload new data via excel? 

On the record manager, clicking on Import from Excel in the top right corner, initiates the FPDI ingestion process: 

  1. Setting up Data file: 
    Includes uploading the excel and add meta details like Data Ingestion File Name, Data Ingestion File Tag. 

  2. Configure data mapping & transformations for data: 
    Setup data on how it will be viewed on Sprinklr dashboards and make any necessary transformations before completing the ingestion 

Best Practices to be ensured while uploading data 

  1. Upload files with non-blank headers 

  2. Upload files with unique headers 

  3. Upload files with non-empty cells 


Setting up Data file | Import Page 

The Import Page allows users to select the excel file & the data that they want to ingest. 


  1. Upload your file in the new import page. You can upload files that have an xls, xlsx or a csv format. 

  2. Change the name of your upload if needed (File name is automatically fetched as the upload name). 

  3. Select a Data Ingestion File Tag or create a new one. The Data Ingestion File Tag is used to categorise the uploads. 

  4. Select the worksheet you want to import and click on Configure. 



Setting up Data file | Configuration Page 

The Configuration Page allows users to map & transform data 


Data Mapping:  

  1. Users can map columns to existing fields in Sprinklr or create new custom fields if required. Only the mapped fields will be imported, so ensure all necessary fields are mapped. 

  2. Users can save time uploading files by creating and importing a mapping template. This template maps columns to Sprinklr fields, allowing reuse for subsequent file uploads. 

Function Mapping:  

  1. Users can conveniently apply standard functions (e.g., Add, Concatenate) directly within FPDI.  

  2. Users can save time by creating a functions template, applying the same functions to specific columns during file uploads. 

Please check Data Mapping section for more details on how to map Data Fields.

Please check Function Mapping section for more details on how to apply Functions.


Q1. What file formats are supported in FPDI? 
Ans. The FPDI feature supports ingestions of files that have an XLS, XLSX and CSV format. 

Q2. What is the use of Data Ingestion File Tag? 
Ans. The Data Ingestion File Tag helps with organising the uploaded files for easier reference.  
Example - If you are uploading data related to NPS, you can use “NPS” as a file tag for all the relevant files that you upload. If you’re uploading data related to a specific feature or product, you can use the name of that feature or product as a file tag. 
Q3. Can I select a specific data range within the excel file for ingestion? 
Ans: The support to select a specific data range within the excel file will be added with the 18.11.1 release. 

Q4. I see very limited rows in the preview even when the file I’m uploading contains many rows, is this expected? 

Ans: Yes. In the Configure Data page, only the first 20 rows of the data file are shown in the preview. 


Q5. Can I import only specific columns from the excel file? 
Ans: Yes. In the Configure Data page, under the Data Mapping section you can map specific columns to Fields. Only the columns that you map to a Field will be imported. 


Q6. What is the use of Data Mapping & Function Mapping Templates? 
Ans. Data Mapping & Function Mapping Templates enable users to reuse column mappings & functions created previously for similar excel files. This helps users save a lot of time and effort when working with similar excel files. 
Example – If you need to upload similar files with the same column names (let’s say Product Name, Price, Weekly Rating) each week, you can create a Data Mapping Template the first time that you upload such kind of a file and then import this template subsequently whenever you need ingest similar data files.  
This reduces the repetitive effort of mapping columns to fields and helps to save time. Similarly, if you need to apply the same set of functions on similar files multiple times, you can create the functions once and save them as a Function Template for future use. 

Q7. What should I do if in the Data Mapping section, I don’t see any Field that is relevant to the column that I want to upload? 
Ans. In the Data Mapping section, if you don’t see any existing Field that is relevant to the column that you want to upload, you can create a new Custom Field by clicking on the Create Custom Field button present in the drop-down menu.