Preferred Audience and Audience Restrictions


This article describes the details and differences between Preferred Audience and Audience Restrictions in the Sprinklr platform. You may know these terms as Targeting and Gating, respectively. In this article, Preferred Audience refers to the Facebook-specific method for targeting users you wish to reach, and Audience Restrictions refers to the Facebook-specific method of placing criteria on outbound messaging that limits which users see your post in their feeds.

Preferred Audience vs. Audience Restrictions

Preferred Audience

Audience Restrictions

Limits which users see the post in their news feed.

  • Users who do not fulfill the Preferred Audience criteria will still see the post, but only on the company's page and in search.

Limits which users see the post in their news feed, the brand's page, and in search.

  • Users who do not fulfill the Audience Restrictions criteria will not be able to see the post at all.

Preferred Audience Parameters:

  • Differ depending on social channel

  • Unlimited number of countries

  • Users must like/follow your page

  • Dependent on public information

  • Do not go too in-depth with targeting; people don't make a lot of information public.

Audience Restrictions Parameters:

  • Location

  • Language

  • Capped at 25 countries (Facebook limitation)

  • Users must like/follow your page

  • Dependent on public information


Preferred Audience Parameters:

  • Gender = Male

  • Relationship Status = Single

  • Age = 21-25

Only single, male users between the ages of 21 and 25 (who have liked/followed the company's page) will see the post on their news feed (along with on the company's page and in search); everyone else that doesn't satisfy the Preferred Audience parameters (ex: married 25-year-old, male user) will only see the post on the company's page or in search.


Audience Restrictions Parameters:

  • State = New York

  • Language = English

Only users with their location set as New York and their language set as English (who have liked/followed the company's page) will see the post on their news feed, the company's page and in search; everyone else that doesn't satisfy the Audience Restrictions parameter (ex: New York, Italian-language user or California, English-language user) will not see the post at all, anywhere.

Use Case:

Posting about a large event; want all followers to see the posts, but you want to target the preferred audience of the area near the event because they are more likely to attend.

Use Case:

An Online Retail Provider posts location-specific deals and wants only people in that area to see the post.

Tips for Explaining:

  • Helps the most relevant user to see the post

  • "Pushes" the post to the Preferred Audience (most relevant) users' news feeds.

  • Only see the post on their news feed if they satisfy the Preferred Audience parameters.

  • Posts can still be seen by everyone—just not on the news feed level.

Tips for Explaining:

  • Restricting the post to only those who pass the Audience Restrictions parameters

  • The Audience Restrictions parameters chosen are NOT the users who get excluded from viewing the post, they are the users who see the post; works the same way as targeting.

  • Completely restricts certain users from viewing a post on all levels.

Audience Attributes Based on Different Parameters




No Configuration

Preferred Audience

Audience Restrictions

If User Fulfills Parameters

If User Doesn't  Fulfill Parameters

If User Fulfills Parameters

If User Doesn't  Fulfill Parameters

User can see post on Brand's page 






User can see post on their timeline 






User can see the post in search 




