
Add a LINE Account


LINE accounts that can be added in Sprinklr include Official Accounts with LINE Business Connect capability and LINE Business Connect Accounts. Official Account with no Business Connect API capability cannot be connected to Sprinklr.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have Channel ID and Access Tokens of a supported LINE account.


  • To use LINE in Sprinklr, you will need to enter the webhook URL under messaging API and verify.

  • To get the webhook URL for your account, please contact Sprinklr support to get the webhook URL link.

  • Additionally, the official LINE Account can only set up 1 Webhook URL. Therefore your customers are not able to have multiple messaging API channels connected.

To Add and Authenticate a LINE Account 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Owned Social Accounts within Listen.

  2. In the Accounts (Settings) window, click Add Account in the top right corner. 

  3. In the Add Account window, search and select LINE from the list of channels.PlatformSetup_Accounts_Line.png

  4. On the Add LINE Account window, enter the details for your Line account. For more information, see LINE Account — Field Descriptions.PlatfromSetup_AddAccount_LineAccount.png

  5. Click Save in the bottom right corner to add the account details. Next, you'll be able to edit your account details and permission the account.

  6. On the Update Account window, fill in the required details as per your requirements and click Save in the bottom right corner.

LINE Account — Field Descriptions



Where It Can Be Found

Display Name

Enter the display name for the account.

You can set this name with the help of ChannelName under basic setting of your account.

Channel ID

Enter the LINE channel Id.

Channelid can be found under basic setting.

Channel Secret

Enter your LINE channel secret key.

Channel secret is also available under basic settings.

Instance ID

Enter the LINE instance Id.

Instanceid is same as bot basic id present under messaging api.

Access Token

Enter your LINE access token.

Access Token + Refresh token are same and can be found under Messaging api as Channel Access Token.

Refresh Token

Enter your LINE refresh token.

Access Token + Refresh token are same and can be found under Messaging api as Channel Access Token.

Profile Image URL

Enter the image URL to be used with the LINE account.

Ensure that you are using right public available image link.