Frequently Asked Questions


This article consists of some commonly asked questions regarding Facebook capabilities and limitations in Sprinklr.

Please check Facebook Capabilities and Limitations for any general doubts & queries.

1. Can we publish stories on facebook as well?

No, it is an API limitation as of now.

2. How many pictures and/or videos can be added from Sprinklr to create a carousel post on Facebook?

We can add up to 10 carousel cards in a single post.

3. Can someone confirm if we can add a CTA button for Fb Organic Posts while publishing?

We can add a CTA button to FB carousel posts. Also we can add a CTA button to Link preview for FB posts with Link, for which the user needs to verify the domain of the link natively. Please follow Domain verification on Facebook for more information.

4. Are we able to like Private DMs from engagement dashboards?

For Facebook messenger dms, we cannot yet like/react to private messages, as its an API limitation. 

5. Can Facebook Posts be geo-targeted?

Geo-targeting is a helpful option available when publishing from Facebook Page accounts that allows you to create a custom audience based on location. Please refer to Targeting & Gating Facebook Posts for more information.

6. When FB is down, what happens to scheduled posts that were supposed to go out during this time. Do they get rejected and receive an error and have to be re-done or do they play catch up once the site comes back up?

Posts that were scheduled and failed due to api downtime will have to be rescheduled when api's are back up.

7. Why are the posts being published as dark posts though we have not checked the “Publish this post as Draft Post for Facebook Pages” option?

This typically happens when the Facebook page is not added by the admin. To resolve this behavior, the page should be re-added by native admin.

8. Is it possible to convert dark posts to normal posts?

 The Dark posts can be converted to normal posts from the Inbound column. Please refer to Convert Facebook dark posts into published posts for more information.

9. Why do we need a third party streaming service in order to leverage Facebook live streaming through Sprinklr? 
Currently, Sprinklr Mobile or Sprinklr Desktop does not support Facebook Live. We recommend using OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), a free application that provides more sophisticated features than a mobile or tablet device can. 

10. Are there tips and tricks on how to use OBS? i.e. how to use your iPhone or iPad as the device when streaming for a Facebook live stream?
Currently, there is no configuration tutorial via OBS on how to use an iPhone or iPad device, you can definitely ask the community volunteers in the forum. Live stream URLs and Keys can be created ahead of time in Sprinklr to expedite the publishing process within OBS. 

11. When you create a Facebook Live video using the Sprinklr URL and Key are you able to change the Campaign and Outbound Custom Fields on the post when it comes into the platform? 
Yes, you are able to edit the Campaign and Outbound Custom Fields as you would on any outbound post. You can do this in a Facebook API Posts column or Outbound column. We would recommend creating a separate Campaign or Outbound Custom Field related to Facebook Live videos so that you can filter by this later in Reporting. 

12. Does the live video get pulled in right as the live stream starts or once it's been completed and stopped streaming? 
Yes, the video will be on the platform as it is live streaming, however, the video is not playing in Sprinklr (frozen video post). It may take around a minute for the video to pull into a Facebook API or Outbound column. 

13. How do I separate out comments on the Live video from other inbound comments? 
Create an Inbound rule with the first Brand Post-condition as “Post Campaign” is “Outbound campaign you applied to the Facebook Live video”. The action will be “Add the inbound message to a queue” or “Apply an inbound custom property” to the message. Then make sure to add this partner queue column to a new monitoring dashboard or existing monitoring dashboard to moderate the FB Live comments. 

14. Are there any caveats to engaging with Facebook Live comments? 
You cannot publish threaded replies on a Facebook Live video (natively or in Sprinklr). If you reply to a comment on a FB Live video through Sprinklr, it will show up as an additional comment on the video. You can like comments on the FB Live video in Sprinklr. 

15. Are there any additional tips and tricks for reporting on Live videos?

Beyond the Facebook Live dimension above, there aren’t any ‘Facebook Live’ metrics. We recommend filtering a standard Facebook Engagement reporting dashboard by the Campaign or Outbound Custom Field you applied on the Facebook Live video to see only engagements on the Live Video.