Getting Started with Product Insights


What are insights?

With the proliferation of digital channels, collecting raw data presents a significant challenge. But even once collected, the data is meaningless without quick analysis, contextualization, and actionability. Insights are actionable statements generated from customer feedback about your products.

Brands face many challenges when dealing with customer data:

  • Point solution chaos: Different point solutions for customer touchpoints create siloed feedback, disjointed insights, and less synergy between teams.

  • Disparate digital channels: Customers provide feedback on their preferred channels, not yours. And that feedback must be gathered and analyzed from various sources.

  • Manual processes: Creating insights from vast volumes of raw data takes time and is prone to error.

  • Low accuracy: If an insight isn’t accurate, it can do more harm than good and lead to suboptimal business decisions.

  • Lag time: If you can’t generate and act on insights in real-time, it puts your business at risk.

  • Poor competitive intel: If you can’t tell what customers like or dislike about your competitor’s products or features, you are at a considerable disadvantage.

What are the benefits of real-time insights?

Moving your product insight capabilities from basic data collection and traditional market research methods to real-time, aggregated, and actionable feedback about your products can have wide-ranging benefits to your business. It will enhance your products, improve your customer experience, and make customers happier. Here are just some of the questions you’ll be able to answer:

  • Which are my top and low-performing products or brands, and why?

  • Which are the most liked and disliked product/service attributes by my customers?

  • What are the top reasons for customer churn for the offered products or services?

  • Why do certain customers prefer competitor products or services over mine?

  • How are customers reacting to new product/service launches?

  • What customer suggestions could be turned into new products?

What is Sprinklr’s Product Insights?

Sprinklr’s Product Insights is an AI-powered tool that helps you understand how customers feel when they directly interact with a product by capturing customer experience data at the point that it occurs. Sprinklr’s industry-leading artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) models convert that data into insights that:

  • Enhance the product experience

  • Deliver superior brand value

  • Directly engage with customers to make them happier

Who is Product Insights for?

Product Insights is relevant to all personas that engage with and derive value from customer feedback. Whether you're a marketer, an account executive, a product developer, or in a strategic role where you need to ensure all of your teams are aligned and armed with actionable data to delight customers, Product Insights will help you:

  • Capture product feedback

  • Generate actionable insights

  • Share data across your teams

  • Engage and delight customers

How does Sprinklr’s Product Insights work?

In order to provide deeper insights in a more efficient manner, Product Insights goes beyond standard listening to automatically identify insights using advanced AI and NLP.

There are three key components:

Listening to customer feedback

Key Challenges

The Solution

During set-up, Sprinklr imports your brand’s entire catalog of products along with the sources (review sites, custom internal sources, or listening) you want to capture. Product Insights pulls data from more than 600+ review sites, social media, chat apps, and other digital channels to capture all of the mentions about your products.

Sprinklr also provides the ability to upload your internal data from surveys, focus groups, and company apps to derive granular, category-level insights from offline data. All of your first-party data is enriched through Sprinklr AI to provide insights on sentiment, top themes, and more.

Generating AI-powered insights

Key Challenges

The Solution

Sprinklr leverages industry-specific advanced AI and NLP models to distill vast amounts of unstructured data into clear and actionable insights to quickly understand what features and attributes customers like or don’t like. Brands can use that feedback to improve products, create superior brand value, and gain a competitive edge over rivals.

If the AI Model is missing or not predicting certain insights, Product Insights lets you give real-time feedback to the AI models by adding missed insights, changing the insight categorization and sentiment, or changing the associated brand. The software logs the changes and uses them to improve the AI model.

Empowering teams and delighting customers

Key Challenges

The Solution

Using Sprinklr, inform and empower internal teams with customized on-brand reports, alerts, and dashboards featuring real-time, actionable insights. Then, surprise, delight, and strategically engage your customers at any and every point in the customer experience by democratizing insights and key content across your organization, from marketing to care to operations.

Scheduled Exports and Reports allow users to customize and schedule listening reports to automatically share them with stakeholders, including executives and key personnel, in a variety of different formats.

Smart Alerts notify your teams when changes are detected in mentions, engagement, and other actionable trends, including proactive crisis detection, trending content and sentiment monitoring, and competitor insights.