Meta Deprecates Facebook Groups API


With Meta's v19 updates(January, 2024), the Facebook Groups API is going to be deprecated. From April 22, 2024 onward, it has been removed from all versions. This deprecation includes all Permissions (publish_to_groups, groups_access_member_info) and Reviewable Features (Groups API) associated with the Facebook Groups API.

Due to the deprecation of the Groups API by Meta, functionalities including adding a Facebook group in Sprinklr, engaging with posts and comments, Publishing Posts, and reporting for FB groups are not supported in Sprinklr since April 22nd 2024. However, historical data will still remain accessible in Sprinklr with view-only access.

Not Supported


  1. Adding new Facebook groups on the Sprinklr platform.

  2. Publish/Schedule support of (Posts/Album/Live video) on Facebook groups.

  3. Fetching of any new (posts/comments/replies) for Facebook Groups.

  4. Ability to engage(Reply/Comment/Like/Delete) on Facebook group posts.

  5. Post insights or analytics.

Historical data will remain accessible in Sprinklr with view-only access.

If you are working on Facebook Groups in the Engagement Dashboard, you will see the following notification.

If you check your Facebook Groups Account on Sprinklr, you will see the alert as in the following screenshot.

If you try to add a Facebook Groups account on Sprinklr, you will see the following alert.

However, these alerts will not be visible after Facebook Groups is depricated on April 22, 2024.

Note:  All functionalities including adding a Facebook group in Sprinklr, engaging with Post & Comments, Publishing Posts, and reporting for FB groups will be not be supported in Sprinklr April 22nd 2024 onwards. However, historical data will still remain accessible in Sprinklr with view-only access.

Please refer to META's official announcement link below: