What does Sprinklr's WFM solution bring for Agents persona?


Sprinklr's WFM solution aims at providing a seamless working experience to both agents as well as the workforce planner personas. It aids in adding more convenience to the day-to-day operations of agents.

The vision has been not just to enable agents into viewing their schedules or raising leave requests but also empower them by giving them a voice to be able to shape their schedules to an extent too. Features such as shift trading and shift bidding that aim at providing sxhedule flexibility, better work-life balance help boost employee morale and overall job satisfaction.

This adds immense advantages to the company with most being the cost-effectiveness by retaining talent for the comapny and increased productivity for smoother operations.

Key Features and Workflow for the Agent persona:

My schedule: The agent can view their schedule (read more about this feature here: ) in month and week view in a calendar format for easy access to their daily shifts and schedules. The activities that are a part of each shift can be viewed easily too by hovering over that particular shift. This detailed breakdown and visibilty into their daily schedules, allows agents to always be updated with their day-to-day requirements at a glance.

Time-Off Management: This feature helps agents request for time-offs conveniently according to their assigned leave policy. The agents can also view the raised and approved or rejected leave requests with their reason for the same frm the supervisor in the time-off requests widget on their dashboard along with the entire audit-trail of their leave history.

The agents can also edit a pending or rejected leave request from the time-off widget or delete an already approved leave request.

All the leaves get auto-synced on the agent's my schedule page in the calendar view for enhanced visibility, and the approved leaves get auto-debited from their remaining leave balances.

Shift Bidding: Once the workforce planner has created a shift bid, the agent receives a notifiction to place their preferrence for desired shift patterns in shift bid in the bidding duration. The agent can view the shift patterns and drag and drop the desired shifts preferences, the agents can save this draft and return to submit it later till the end of the bidding duration. Sprinklr's AI takes into factor many scheduling constraints and agent score as defined by the agent during the shift bid creation to assign these shifts to agents in a fair and accurate manner.

Shift Swapping: This feature helps agents to request swapping for their preffered shifts or exchange their assigned shifts in case of unvailability to fulfil the same due to unavoidable schenarios. The agents can raise an open request, that would send the shift trading request across all available agents or raise a direct trade request to a specific agent where they can select the agent with whom they'd like to trade shift with. The supervisor will need to approve all the raised trade requests, and only once this crietria is met, the shift trade is completed.

Sprinklr's WFM solution has an extremely intuitive and user-friendly UI that helps agents efficiently use this platform.