Calibration Report


The Calibration Report analyzes variance and alignment between auditors and calibrators during calibration evaluations. It provides detailed insights into alignment and variance at both item and category levels. The Calibration Report belongs to the Quality Management Report Group.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Calibration Report:



% Alignment

Level of alignment between the calibrator and auditor on the evaluation.

Calibration Count

Total number of calibrations computed.

Auditor Score

Evaluation score given by the auditor.

Calibrator Score

Evaluation score given by the calibrator.

Evaluation Score (Disputed)

The initial score of the evaluation on which the auditor raised a dispute.

Total Disputes Raised

Total number of disputes raised on the evaluation.

<CategoryName> + Alignment % ( + <Checklist_Name> + )

Alignment percentage of the checklist category [<CategoryName> +

<Item_Name> Variance

Variance (difference between the calibrator score and auditor score) of
the checklist item [<Item_Name> (Checklist_Name)].

<CategoryName> + Variance

Variance (difference between the calibrator score and auditor score) of
the checklist category [<Category_Name> (Checklist_Name)].

Calibrator Item Response Count

Total number of times a checklist item is calibrated.




Name of the checklist used for performing the evaluations.

Evaluated Agent

Agent on which the evaluation is performed.


User who performed the evaluation.


User who performed the calibration evaluation.

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the evaluated agent.

Auditor Manager

Manager of the auditor.

Calibrator Manager

Manager of the calibrator.

Auditor Evaluation Date

Date when the auditor submitted the evaluation.

Auditor Evaluation Type

Evaluation type of the evaluation done by the auditor.

Calibration Evaluation Date

Date when the calibrator submitted the evaluation.

Calibration Modified Date

Date when the calibration evaluation was modified.

Evaluation Type

Different levels of evaluations performed.

Calibration With

Auditor against whom the calibration evaluation is performed.

Evaluated Interaction Channel

Social network of the evaluated case-interactions.

<ChecklistItemName> + Auditor Response List (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the auditor for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name) in list format.

<ChecklistItemName> + Auditor Response (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the auditor for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name).

<ChecklistItemName> + Calibrator Response List (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the calibrator for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name) in list format.

<ChecklistItemName> + Calibrator Response (Checklist_Name)

Response submitted by the calibrator for checklist item - <ChecklistItemName> (Checklist_Name).

Disputed Items

Checklist items on which a dispute is raised.

Disputed Item List

List of checklist items on which a dispute is raised.

Dispute Comment

Comments or explanations provided while raising a dispute on an evaluation.

Evaluated Agent Designation

Designation of agent on which evaluation is performed.

Week of Year

Provides the week number of the year when an event took place with the week count starting on Sunday.

Evaluated Agent Reviewer

Reviewer of the agent getting evaluated in the evaluation. Reviewer is defined in the user properties.


Name of the Campaign associated to the call.

Calibrator Designation

Designation of the calibrator who performed the evaluation.

Case Details

Provides details on the associated Case to an event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID, and description.

Evaluated Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of agent on which evaluation is performed

Day Of Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Time Of Day

Provides the time at which the event occurred in hourly intervals (for example, 10:00, 14:00), without showing minutes. It is shown in 24-hour format (HH:MM) and adjusted to your time zone.

Day of Year

Provides the day of the year on which the event occurred. For example, 1st January will be 1, 2nd February will be 33, and so on.

Auditor Reviewer

Reviewer of the auditor who performs the evaluation.

Auditor Federation Id

Federation ID of auditor who performed evaluation.

Case Number

The unique ID associated to the Case.

Auditor Department

Department of auditor who performed evaluation.

Calibrator Federation Id

Federation Id of the calibrator who performs the calibration evaluation.

Calibrator Department

Department of calibrator who performs the calibration evaluation.

Variance Reference Type

Variance reference selected to perform Peer to Peer Calibration. This can be Mean, Median or Primary Evaluator.

Month Of Year

Provides the name of the month when an event took place.

Calibrator Evaluation Type

Level of Calibration evaluation performed by the calibrator.


Provides the date on which the event occurred.


This dimension provides the name of the customer’s social network account. When used with Case details, this will display the name of the "Organization Account" through which the first message associated to the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered based on when the message was associated with a Case, and not necessarily on message creation date and time.

Calibrator Reviewer

Reviewer of the calibrator doing the evaluation. Reviewer is defined in the user properties.

Auditor Designation

Designation of the auditor who performed the evaluation.


Provides the name of the channel associated with the Case. This dimension can be used to categorize a common metric across multiple channels and will show the list of all channels associated with the first message of the Case.

Evaluated Agent Department

Department of the agent on which evaluation is performed.

Case Closure Time

The timestamp when the case was marked closed.

Calibration Modified Time

Reflects the date and time when the calibration evaluation was last modified.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Calibration Report. For more details on the Reports available under the Service Analytics Data Source, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.