Case SLA Report


The Case SLA Report is used to find each action-level report on a Case. This allows you to report on each agent assignment, Queue Removal, and brand response. The following actions are recorded in this Report, and the duration of each action can be calculated from Case creation, customer activity, or Agent assignment.

  • Brand Response

  • User Assignment

  • User Un-Assignment

  • Queue Snapshot

  • Queue Removal

You can assess critical metrics such as the percentage of Case Responses Replied Within SLA, Case Action SLA, Case Brand Response SLA, and Case User Response SLA, among others. These metrics can be benchmarked against predefined objectives, considering business hours, if relevant, to evaluate brand and employee performance effectively.

The Case SLA Report belongs to the Interaction Summary Report Group.



Behavior of User Custom Fields

User Custom fields are supported in this report. The field will show the value attribute for that field mapped against the 'Agent' Dimension.

The User can use the Dimension Configurator to select whether to show the snapshot value or the current value of the field.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields

Case-level Custom Fields (CF) are supported in this Report. Plotting any Case-level CF will display the value attribute for that field on the Case. By default, the field shows the snapshot value of the field for the Case.

The Current Value of the Custom field can also be plotted by selecting "Current" in the Dimension Configurator.

Date Filter

Case Creation Interval.

Record Creation Time

Records are created when an action is taken on a Case.

Refresh Frequency

Ranging from 3 to 5 minutes.

Aggregation Supported

Supported at 15-minute intervals.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Case SLA Report:​



Case Queue Duration

Measures the time a particular Case has spent in a particular Case Queue from the time the Case entered the Queue.

Response Time (Agent to Customer)

Measures the duration of overall responses that was sent on the Case by the agent during that assignment. This excludes auto responses, auto imports, and surveys.

First Response Time (Agent)

Measures the duration of first agent response that was sent on the Case after every assignment to the Queue from either agent assignment time or last un-responded customer message on the Case as per values selected in "service settings screen".

Response Count

Count of responses sent by the agent on the Case.

Number Of Assignments

Measures number of times a particular Case has been assigned to the agent.

Number Of Assignments (With Brand Response)

Measures number of times a particular Case that has been assigned to the agent has been responded.

Response Time Excluding First (Agent)

Measures next response time made by the agent excluding the time taken to respond the first response.

Case Action Duration

Measures the time difference between the Case creation time of the Case and the action type that is defined as per the "case action type". For each different action selected, it will show a different duration.

Case Action Count

Measures the count of total actions done on the Case like User Assignment, User Un-Assignment, Queue Removal, Brand Response. This would be used along with Case Action Type filter.

Case Action Type

Indicates the various actions that can be taken place over the Case including Queue assignment, agent assignment, agent unassignment, brand response, and so on.

First Response Time (Case)

Measures the duration of first organization (only agent response) response that was sent on the Case based on the start time selected on the "service settings screen". This excludes auto responses, auto imports, and surveys.

Response Time Excluding First (Case)

Measures next response time made on the Case excluding the time taken to respond the first response.

Handle Time (Assigned Duration)

Depicts the total time a Case was assigned to the agent. It will show the assigned duration based on each agent assignment.

First Response Time (Case)

Measures the duration of first brand (only agent response) response that was sent on the case based on the start time selected on the "service settings screen". This excludes auto repsonses, auto imports and surveys

Assignments with macro usage

Number of assignments in which the assigned user has applied any macro.

Assignments with macro usage without response

Number of assignments in which the assigned user has applied any macro, without and response sent during the assignment.

Assignments with no action

Number of assignments in which user has neither shared a response nor applied a macro.

Queue Removal Count

Number of case assignments that were removed / un-assigned from a work queue.

Service Level - FRT

Measures the % of cases first replied within the selected threshold on the "service settings screen" over total number of cases which were responded by the agent.

Forward Button Usage Count

Represents the number of times emails have been forwarded from system by a user, on that case during every assignment.



Case Creation Time

Indicates the time for when the Case was created. It will not aggregate data of Cases based on time interval.

Case Creation Interval

Indicates the time interval for when the Case was created. This is a Histogram Dimension and can be used when we want to see Cases at daily/weekly levels, and so on.

Case Queue

Indicates the name of the Queue to which the Case entered. If Case has been part of multiple Case Queues, all will appear in separate rows.

Case Queue Assign Time

Date TimeStamp when the particular Case was assigned to the Case Queue.

Case Queue UnAssign Time

Date Time stamp when the particular Case was un-assigned to the Case Queue.


The Sprinklr user for whom the report is being generated.

Agent Assign Time

Date Time stamp when the particular Case was assigned to the agent. If agents were assigned, it will show timestamp for each of those agent assignments.

Agent UnAssign Time

Date Time stamp when the particular Case was un-assigned from the agent.

Assignment Method

Indicates if the agent assignment was a manual, Queue or direct assignment.

Agent Response Index (Per Assignment)

Indexing of responses made by the agent for every new assignment that happens to the Case.

Action Time

Time stamp of any action done on the Case. These actions include: Queue Removal, User Assignment, User Un-Assignment, Brand Response, Macro Application.

First Associated Message Created Time

Defines the timestamp when the first message associated on the Case was created. This was the time when the Case was created. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Last Case Action Type

Defines the last action that can be taken on a Case. These actions include Queue Removal, User Assignment, User Un-Assignment, Brand Response, Macro Application.

First Brand Response Message Created Time

Defines the time interval for when the first organization (agent, or bot) message associated on the Case was created.

Latest Associated Message Created Time

Defines the timestamp when the latest message (can be from customer or agent) was associated to a particular Case.

Case Modification Time

This is the latest timestamp when the Case was modified the last time.

Oldest UnActioned Message Creation Time

Time stamp of the last message that is unactioned (that is, neither a response is sent, nor any Macro is applied).

Agent Id

The Sprinklr user ID for whom the report is being generated.

Agent Email Id

Email ID of the user.

Agent Federation Id

Federation ID of the user for whom report is been generated.


Date on which the event occurred.

Day of Year

This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st.

Time of day

The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of the Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Day of Time Range

This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

Agent Skills (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated.

Agent Skill VS Proficiency (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated.

Agent Skill

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated.

Agent Manager

Agent Manager Assigned to the user.

Agent Group

Agent Groups for which the User is part of, if they are part of multiple groups, it will create multiple rows.

Case Details

Associated Case to the event, which includes the Case subject, Case ID and the Description.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the Case Details.


The name of the social network account. When used with Case details, this will display the name of the "Brand Account" through which the first message associated to the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration > Settings.

Channel (Snapshot)

Provides the name of the channel that is associated to the Case at the time of the particular action. Once the channel is changed, any action done on the Case post that will be reported against the changed channel name, that is, it will indicate the snapshot channel associated to the Case.

Channel (All)

Provides all the names of the channel associated on the Case. If multiple channels are associated on the Case, it will split into multiple rows and denote each row for each individual channel associated.

Channel (Current)

Provides the current name of the channel associated on the case. This will always show current value and can change later where the case deflects to another channel.

Channel (Initial)

Provides the name of the channel based on the first message associated on the case. It will always report the channel based on first message even if the case deflects further to another channel.

Case Queue UnAssign Time

Date Time stamp when the particular case was un-assigned to the Case Queue.

Agent UnAssign Time

Date Time stamp when the particular case was un-assigned from the agent.

Channel (All)

Provides all the names of the channel associated on the case. In cases where multiple channels are associated on the case, it will split into multiple rows and denote each row for each individual channel associated

Channel (Initial)

Provides the name of the channel based on the first message associated on the case. It will always report the channel based on first message even if the case deflects further to another channel

Ignore Multiple Queue Records

Boolean field telling if the multiple queue record was ignored for that entry or not (True/False value).

Last Work Queue Assignment Time

Indicates the date timestamp for when the particular case was assigned to the last work queue

Last Work Queue Assignment Interval

Time interval for when the particular case was assigned to the last work queue based on Last Work Queue Assignment Time (Based on aggregation selected at the widget level, this can break into 15mins range to quaterly range and so on).

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Case SLA Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.