Forecast Adherence Report


The Forecast Adherence Report evaluates forecast accuracy by comparing forecasted case volume, AHT, and other key parameters with actual metrics for each workload.

This report offers a comprehensive overview for workforce managers, allowing them to assess adherence and make well-informed, data-driven decisions to optimize workforce planning and improve overall efficiency.

The Forecast Adherence Report belongs to the Workforce Management Report Group. Below are some of the scenarios where this report is beneficial:

  • Workforce Optimization: Identify discrepancies between forecasted and actual metrics to refine forecasting accuracy and optimize scheduling, staffing and resource allocation for improved efficiency.

  • Performance Monitoring: Track adherence trends regularly to identify potential issues early and ensure optimal service levels are consistently maintained.

  • Improving Forecast Accuracy: Analyze variances to enhance forecasting models, ensuring a precise alignment of workforce capacity with actual demand.

  • Strategic Planning: Utilize adherence metrics to uncover patterns that inform long-term workforce planning and strategic decision-making.

Metric and Dimension

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Forecast Adherence Report:



Forecasted Case Volume 

The predicted number of cases expected within a specific time period 

Actual Case Volume 

The real number of cases handled within a specific time period 

Forecast Adherence 

The measure of how closely actual performance (such as case volume, average handle time, and other metrics) aligns with the forecasted values within a specified period. 

Forecast Average Handle Time 

The estimated average time to handle a case or task 

Actual Average Handle Time 

The actual average time taken to handle a case or task 

Forecast Occupancy 

The predicted percentage of time agents are occupied with case 

Actual Occupancy 

The actual percentage of time agents spend on case 

Forecast Abandonment Rate 

The predicted percentage of cases abandoned before being handled. 

Actual Abandonment Rate 

The real percentage of cases abandoned before being handled. 






Start Time Interval 

The beginning of a defined time period 

Start Time  

The beginning of a  specific time interval 

Workload ID 

A unique identifier for a specific workload 

Forecast ID 

A unique identifier for a specific forecast 


Date on which the event occurred 

Day of Year 

This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st 

Time of day  

The specific 1 hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's time zone.  

Time of day (30 minutes interval) 

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's time zone.  

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval) 

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm)and adjusted to the user's time zone. 

Week of Year 

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday 

Month Of Year 

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred. 

Day of Week 

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred. 

Day of Time Range 

This dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on. 


This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Forecast Adherence Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary .