| |
| This is the insight ID for each system-generated insight. When viewed within the persona view within a table widget, it will be displayed as the insight title, accompanied by indicators representing sentiment and insight type. |
| This refers to the insight group names configured within Conversational Analytics Governance. |
Conversation Intent L1 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L1 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L2 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L2 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L3 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L3 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L4 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L4 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L5 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L5 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L6 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L6 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L7 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L7 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L8 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L8 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L9 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L9 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
Conversation Intent L10 Group | Contact driver group detected at the L10 level. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |
| All contact drivers detected in the case, including the initial and root contact drivers. This can be plotted at the case, case-interaction, call, or message level. |