Omnichannel Case Summary Report


The Omnichannel Case Summary Report contains Metrics and Dimensions that provide information about Case-level data from the time a case is opened or created in the system until its status is closed. It details parameters such as first agent response time, time since Case creation, Case response time, average response time, current predicted CSAT score, and more. This Report consolidates these key parameters, assisting supervisors in monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of case handling and ensuring a seamless and consistent customer experience across all channels.

The Omnichannel Case Summary Report belongs to the Interaction Summary Report Group. Below are some of the scenarios where this Report is beneficial:

  • Monitor Case Lifecycle: Track case-level data from creation to closure to ensure timely resolution.

  • Evaluate Agent Performance: Assess metrics such as first agent response time and overall case response time to gauge agent efficiency.

  • Predict Customer Satisfaction: Utilize the current predicted CSAT score to anticipate customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.



Behavior of User Custom Fields

Not supported.

Behavior of Case Custom Fields

Case-level Custom Fields (CF) are supported in this Report. Plotting any Case-level CF will display the value attribute for that field on the Case.

Date Filter

Case Creation Time.

Record Creation Time

When the Case is created.

Refresh Frequency

5 minutes.

Metrics and Dimensions

The following are the Metrics and Dimensions available under the Omnichannel Case Summary Report:​



Time since the Case was Created

Measures the time elapsed since the Case was created which is the difference between current time and Case creation time.

Case Count per Day

Measures the count of Cases that came into system per day.

Associated User Brand Message Count (Excluding Transcripts)

Measures the count of organization messages excluding the auto responses and the call transcripts (if any).

Count of Distinct Users

Distinct profiles count from which responses are made.

First Response Time Including Bot (Case)

Measures the duration of first organization (inclusive of both agent and bot) response that was sent on the Case from the first customer message associated on the Case.

First Response Time Including Bot Within SLA (Case)

The number of Cases in which first organization response was made within SLA. This includes auto responses as well. Apply an SLA Preset to get the count within the desired threshold.

% of Cases First Replied Within SLA

The percentage of Cases where first reply was made within SLA over total Cases in the system. This includes auto responses as well.

Case Count per Month

Measures the count of Cases that came into system per month.

Initial Predicted CSAT Score

Indicates the CSAT score that was initially predicted on the Case before the organization response was made on the associated Case.

First Agent Response (Case)

The number of Cases in which first user response was made outside the SLA. This is based on first agent response time. Apply an SLA Preset to get the count within the desired threshold.

Current Predicted CSAT Score

Indicates the current CSAT score based on the organization response made on the associated Case.

Net Sentiment Change

Indicates the difference between the predicted CSAT score and the initial CSAT score associated to the Case.

Previous Predicted CSAT Score

Indicates the previous CSAT score based on the organization response made on the associated Case. This will show the CSAT just before the current CSAT score on the Case if the score changed, or else will be same as predicted CSAT score.

Negative Sentiment Cases

Indicates the number of Cases where the negative sentiment is detected.

Case Duration

Measures the overall duration of Case based on the latest message created time and Case creation time.

Case Net Sentiment Score

This shows the overall sentiment of Cases. The logic is {[(Positive sentiment + Neutral sentiment)/2 - Negative sentiment)] / (Sum of all sentiment score)}.

Case Comment Count

Measures the number of workflow comments on a Case.

First Response Time Including Bot Outside SLA (Case)

The number of Cases in which first organization response was made outside SLA. This includes auto responses as well. Apply an SLA Preset to get the count within the desired threshold.

First Agent Response Count Within SLA (Case)

The number of Cases in which first user response was made within the SLA. This is based on first agent response time. Apply an SLA Preset to get the count within the desired threshold.

Case Count per Year

Measures the count of Cases that came into system per year.

Associated User Brand Message Count

Measures the number of organization messages associated on the Case excluding the auto responses and bot responses.

Case Count per Hour

Measures the count of Cases that came into system per hour.

Positive Sentiment Cases

Indicates the number of Cases where the positive sentiment is detected.

Case Count

Measures the count of all the Cases that were created in the platform across all the channels.

Neutral Sentiment Cases

Indicates the number of Cases where the neutral sentiment is detected.

Case Count

Measures the total number of Cases that came into the system from all the different channels. When used with channel will provide the breakdown of Cases for each channel else will provide overall count of Cases.

All Engaged Agents Count

Measures the count of all the users based on either agent assignment, agent response or macro application depending on the values selected in "Service Settings” screen.

All Responded Agents Count

Measures the count of all the users who were assigned and further replied to the associated Case.

First Agent Response Time (Case)

Measures the duration of first organization (only agent response) response that was sent on the Case based on the start time selected on the "Service Settings” screen. This excludes auto responses, auto imports and surveys.

Associated Brand Message Count (Excluding Transcripts)

Measures the count of organization messages excluding the call transcripts (if any). This will include the bot messages as well.

Count of Cases with Brand Response

Measures the count of Cases where either an agent or a bot has responded to. It is based on Is Brand Responded field.

Associated Customer Message Count (Including Transcripts)

Measures the count of customer messages including the call transcripts (if any).

Case Closure Duration

Measures the closure duration of the Case based on difference between Case closure time and Case creation time. SLA Preset will be applicable on this metric if applied.

Associated Brand Message Count (Including Transcripts)

Measures the count of organization messages including the call transcripts (if any). This will also include the bot messages as well.

% of Cases Responded

Measures the percentage of Cases which has responded to via either bot or an agent over all the total Cases that came into the system.

Associated Customer Message Count (Excluding Transcripts)

Measures the count of customer messages excluding the call transcripts (if any).

Associated Message Count

Measures the overall message count associated on the Case. This is a sum of both customer and organization messages including bot responses, auto responses, auto imports and call transcripts (if any).

Case Distinct Customer

Measures the distinct number of users or customer profiles that have a Case associated with them.

Count of Cases without Brand Response

Measures the count of Cases where neither an agent nor a bot has responded to.

Count of Assigned Cases

Count of Cases which are assigned to an agent and are in Assigned Case Queue.

Case Response Time

Measures the overall time difference between the organization response and the first un-responded message of a customer associated to the Case from the Case creation time.

Service Level - FRT (Case)

The percentage of Cases where Case first user response time on the Case was made within SLA over total Cases with responses in the system. This includes auto responses as well. The values can be set from "Service Settings” screen.

Associated Agent Response Count

Measures the count of valid responses associated to the Case based on the last customer un-replied message. Each agent message sent post an un-replied customer message will be counted. For example, if we have Customer Message 1 -> Organization Message 1 -> Organization Message 2, this will count as 1 associated agent response count.

Avg Response Time

Measures the average response time based on Case response time and the number of valid responses associated to a particular Case.

Call Count at Case

Measures number of calls made on the particular Case.

Open Case Count

Measures the count of Cases which are still in open or new state.

Closed Case Count

Measures the total number of Cases which are closed based on Case statuses values selected in the "Service Settings”.

Case Ageing

Indicates the time duration of the case from case creation time in cases of open cases and from case closure time in cases of closed cases.

Current Time Spent in {Name of Case Queue mentioned in the env} Queue

Indicates current time that is spent by the case in the given case queue. If the case enters the case queue multiple times, it will measure the time from the latest entry time i.e time difference between current time and latest case queue entry time, it will be zero if case is no longer present in the above case queue“.

Note: This metric is auto created based on all the case queues present in any environment.

Associated Forward Button Usage Count

Represents the number of times emails have been forwarded from system via a user, on that case.



Latest Comment Added Time

Defines the timestamp when the latest comment was added to the associated Case.

First Associated User Brand Message Created Time (Excludes Auto Imports)

Indicates the timestamp of when the first user organization (first agent) response was sent out on the associated Case. This will not include any auto response or auto imports on the Case.

External Channel Case Number

Indicates the Case number of the external channel. For example, if the Case is ingested from CRM, it will be CRM Case number. For Salesforce Cases it will be salesforce Case number.

Routed To Agent/Bot

Indicates if the associated Case has been routed to bot or agent.

Case Queue

Indicates the current Case Queue that the Case is associated to or a part of. For example, Awaiting Assignment Queue, Assigned Queue, and so on.

City Name

Indicates the name of the city based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for Live Chat Cases.

Assigned Agent Current Working Queue

Indicates the name of the Queue that the current assigned agent is a part of. If agent is part of multiple Queues, it will come in separate rows. This can change with time and always show the current Work Queue.

Current Assigned Agent

The name of the user(s) to whom the associated message(s) or Case(s) is assigned. This will indicate the current assigned agent, if the Case is assigned to another agent it will show the current assigned agent.

Assigned Agent Current Status

Indicates the current status of the agent to whom the Case is assigned currently. This can change with time and always show the current status of the current assigned agent.

Is Brand Responded?

It is a Boolean field indicating True if the organization has responded on the associated Case or else will return as False. This will include auto responses, bot responses or auto imports.

Assigned by Agent

The name of the user(s) that assigned the message(s) or Case(s) to the respective agent.

Current Assigned Agent Email ID

Email ID of the current assigned agent on the associated Case.

All Engaged Agents Group

Indicates the agent group of which the user is a part of based on either agent assignment, agent response or Macro application depending on the values selected in "Service Settings” screen. If the user is a part of multiple agent groups, it will show in separate rows.

Case Associated Customer

The sender profile name associated with the first message in the Case. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Deflection Link Sent

A Boolean field indicating if the deflection link to another channel was sent on the particular Case or not. It is mostly used for Live Chat Cases deflection.

First Associated User Brand Message Created Time

Indicates the timestamp of when the first user organization (first agent) response was sent out on the associated Case. This will include any auto response or auto imports on the Case.

Deflected To Channel

Indicates the name of channel to which the associated Case has deflected to.

Latest Associated Customer Message Time

Defines the timestamp when the latest customer message was associated to a particular Case.

Current Assigned Agent Group

Agent Group of the current assigned agent on the associated Case. If they are part of multiple groups, it will create multiple rows.

Deflection Link Clicked

A Boolean field indicating if the deflection link sent on the particular Case was clicked or not. It is mostly used for live chat Cases deflection.

Agent Device Details

Provides detailed information about the agent's device, browser, and operating system. Only used for live chat Cases.

Is Case Deleted?

It is a Boolean field indicating True if the particular Case has been deleted or else will return as False.

Case Closure Time

Indicates the timestamp when the Case was marked as closed.

Initial Channel Type

This depicts the channel of the first message from which Case was created.

Initial Customer Message Type

This depicts the type of message from customer from where the Case was created.


Indicates the name of the browser based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.


Indicates the name of the device based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Universal Case Custom Property

The name of a Custom Property key (also called drop down list) on an outbound message, inbound message or a Case. If selected on a post-level table, the text of the Property Key name (not the value from the menu) will appear next to the post. In general, this Dimension should be added in order after the Dimension Outbound Post, Inbound Message, or Case.

Latest Associated Message Created Time

Defines the timestamp when the latest message (can be from customer or agent) was associated to a particular Case.

Current Work Queue

Indicates the name of the current Queue that the Case was associated with. This can change with time and always show the current Work Queue.

All Responded Agents List

Indicates the names of all the users who were assigned and further replied to the associated Case. This will also show the email ID of the user.

Agent Login Current Status

Indicates the current login status of the agent whether the agent is logged in or not based on to whom the Case is assigned.

Page Title

Indicates the title of the page from where the live chat Case has been initiated. Only used for live chat Cases.

Agents for Last Work Queue

Can be used as a filter only: This provides the Work Queues of all the agent that is selected in the filter and then applies the filter for those Work Queues on "last work queues" field and provides the list of all the Cases present.

Current Assigned Agent Federation ID

Federation ID of the current assigned agent on the associated Case.

First Associated Customer Message Created Time

Indicates the timestamp of when the first customer message was created on the Case.

Difference between Current and Initial Predicted CSAT Score

Indicates the difference between current and initial predicted CSAT score on the Case.

Current Assigned Agent Skill VS Proficiency (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple skills are assigned, it will come comma separated. This is based on current assigned agent to the associated Case.

Latest Comment Added Time Interval

Defines the time interval to which the latest comment was added to the associated Case.

Message Source Type

It depicts the source of the message whether its through account, direct message, or listening.


Indicates the name of the country based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Region Name

Indicates the name of the region based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

All Responded Agents

Indicates the names of all the users who were assigned and further replied to the associated Case. If there are multiple agents associated, this will show each name in a separate row.

Associated Brand Message Count

Indicates the number of organization messages associated to the Case. This will include auto responses, auto imports and bot responses as well.

Page URL

Indicates the URL from where the live chat is initiated. Provides the URL only for live chat Cases, rest Cases it will show blank.

Universal Case Custom Property Name

Case Custom Property Name.

Latest Associated Brand Message Time

Defines the timestamp when the latest message from organization (bot or agent message) was associated to a particular Case. This will be inclusive of both agent and bot messages.

First Associated Message Created Time

Defines the timestamp when the first message associated on the Case was created. This was the time when the Case was created. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.


Name of the Campaign associated with the Case.

Operating System

Indicates the operating system that is detected based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Reportees mapped to All Work Queues

Can be used as a filter only: This provides the Work Queues of all the direct reportees of the agent that is selected in the filter and then applies the filter for those Work Queues on "all work queues" field and provides the list of all the Cases present.


Indicates the language detected based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

All Engaged Agents

Indicates the names of all the users based on either agent assignment, agent response or macro application depending on the values selected in "Service Settings” screen. If there are multiple agents associated, this will show each name in a separate row.

All Responded Agents Group

Indicates the agent group of which the user is a part of to whom the Case is assigned and replied by. If the user is a part of multiple agent groups, it will show in separate rows.

All Work Queues

Indicates the list of all Work Queues that the Case was associated with. If the Case has passed to more than 1 Queue, it will show an entire list and split it in different rows.

Deflected From Channel

Indicates the name of channel from where the associated Case has been deflected from.

Device Name

Indicates the device name that is detected based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Message Type

The specific type of message based on the channel.

Is Case User Brand Responded?

It is a Boolean field indicating if the Case has been responded by either a bot or an agent or not.

Current Assigned Agent Skill

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple Skills are assigned, it will come in different row. This is based on current assigned agent to the associated Case.

Time Zone

Indicates the time zone that is detected based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Is Case Archived?

It is a Boolean field indicating if the Case has been archived or not.

Device Brand

Indicates the name of the device brand based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Current Assigned Agent Manager

Agent Manager Assigned to the current assigned agent.

SLA Frequency

Indicates the SLA frequency or the buckets within which the Cases lie based on Case duration.

Case Comment Count

The number of workflow comments associated on a Case. This dimension should be used to identify how many workflow comments are associated with a Case.

External Channel Name

Indicates whether the Case is being managed by the Sprinklr Case module or a third-party CRM (only used when an integration is enabled).

Case Closure Day

Indicates the day of the week when the Case was marked as closed.

Case Associated Customer Social ID

This shows the channel ID of the customer along with the channel name that the customer is associated with.

Case Owner

The name of the owner of the Case.

Current Assigned Agent Skills (Comma Separated)

Agent Skills assigned to the agent, if multiple Skills are assigned, it will come comma separated. This is based on current assigned agent to the associated Case.

Current Assigned Agent ID

The Sprinklr User ID of the current assigned agent on the associated Case.

Message ID

Denotes the unique message ID associated to each message of the Case details.

Case Associated Customer Email

This shows the email ID of the customer associated with the Case.

Case Creation Interval

Indicates the time interval for when the Case was created. This is a histogram Dimension and can be used when we want to see Cases on daily level, weekly level, and so on.

All Engaged Agents List

Indicates the names of all the users based on either agent assignment, agent response or macro application depending on the values selected in "Service Settings” screen. This also shows the email ID of the engaged agent.

Difference between Current and Previous Predicted CSAT Score

Indicates the difference between current and previous predicted CSAT score on the Case.

First Brand Response Message Created Time

Defines the time interval for when the first organization (agent or bot) message associated on the Case was created.

Agents for All Work Queue

Can be used as a filter only: This provides the Work Queues of all the agent that is selected in the filter and then applies the filter for those Work Queues on "all work queues" field and provides the list of all the Cases present.

Reportees mapped to Last Work Queue

Can be used as a filter only: This provides the Work Queues of all the direct reportees of the agent that is selected in the filter and then applies the filter for those Work Queues on "last work queue" field and provides the list of all the Cases present.

Case Details

This is the Case. It will include the Case subject, Case ID and description. This dimension should be used to compose tables like the Outbound Post or Inbound Message Dimension.

User Custom Property

Defines the user Custom Fields based on agent assigned to the Case.

Case Number

The ID number associated to the Case.


Indicates the locale based on the social channel that the Case is associated with. Only used for live chat Cases.

Case Modification Time

This the latest timestamp when the Case was modified the last time.

Assigned Agent Current State

Indicates the current state of the agent to whom the Case is assigned currently. This can change with time and always shows the current status of the current assigned agent.

First Associated Message Created Time Interval

Defines the time interval for when the first message associated on the Case was created.

Case Associated Customer ID

This shows the channel ID of the customer associated with the Case.

Last Assigned Agent Manager

Indicates the manager of the agent who was last assigned on the associated Case.

Is Last Associated Message From Brand?

It is a Boolean field indicating True if the last message associated to the Case was sent out by the organization (bot or agent message) or else returns as False.


Provides the name of the channel associated on the Case. This Dimension can be used to segment a common Metric across multiple channels and will show the list of all channels associated to the first message of the Case.

Case Creation Time

Indicates the time for when the Case was created. This metric will not aggregate data of Cases based on time interval.

Case Closure Interval

Indicates the time interval for when the Case was marked as closed. This is a histogram Dimension and can be used when we want to see Cases at daily level, weekly level, and so on.

Inbound Message

Provides the text of the inbound message associated to the Case.

Last Work Queue

Indicates the name of the last Queue that the Case was associated with.

Is Guided Workflow Executed?

It is a Boolean field indicating True if the Guided Workflow was executed on the Case or not.

Deleted by Agent

Indicates the name of the agent who deleted the particular Case using the the Delete button in the UI. It can be used with Is Deleted Dimension.

Status (Case)

Indicates the current status of the Case.


Date when the activity occurred.

Day of Year

This is the sequential day number starting with day 1 on January 1st

Time of day

The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone. .

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of the Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.


The name of the social network account. When used with Case details, this will display the name of the "Brand Account" through which the first message associated to the Case is grabbed. Messages are ordered in a Case based on the time they were associated to the Case, not necessarily the date and time the messages were created.

Account Group

The name of the Sprinklr Account Group. An Account Group is a collection of Accounts within a Client that can contain multiple social networks. You can create and edit these groups under Administration> Settings.

Day of Time Range

This Dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

All Engaged Agents (Comma Separated)

Indicates the list of all the users based on either agent assignment, agent response or macro application depending on the values selected in "service settings screen". If there are more than 1 user assigned to the Case, it will show in a comma separated format

All Responded Agents (Comma Separated)

Indicates the list of all the users who were assigned and further replied to the associated Case. If there are more than 1 user assigned to the Case, it will show in a comma separated format

Time of day

The specific 1-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of day (30 minutes interval)

The specific half-hour period within a day when an activity occurred, displayed in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm) and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Time of Day (15 Minute Interval)

The specific quarter-hour period within a day when an activity took place, represented in the 24-hour clock format (hh:mm)and adjusted to the user's timezone.

Week of Year

This is the sequential week number in the year starting the week count with Sunday.

Month Of Year

The name of the Calendar Month on which the activity occurred.

Day of the Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Day of the Week

The name of the day of the week on which the activity occurred.

Day of Year

Day of the year. For example, 1st Jan will be 1, 2nd Jan will be 2, and so on.

Day of Time Range

This Dimension specifies the respective day number in the selected time range. Note that the start date will be referred to as Day 1 and so on.

This concludes our comprehensive coverage of the Omnichannel Case Summary Report. For more details on the Reports available under Service Analytics, please refer to the Detailed Reports Glossary.