Home Page Widgets


Case Reporting

This widget gives an overview of the total number of cases, average CSAT score, and average handling time, along with the percentage change in the metrics’ values and its trend for the selected duration. You can change the duration for a widget from the top right corner.

Top Contact Drivers

This widget shows the top intents behind the customers reaching out to your brand, along with the case count against each intent, grouped by the sentiment of the cases (Green indicates positive sentiment, Red indicates negative sentiment, and Yellow indicates neutral sentiment).

Top Trending Issues

This widget shows the top trending issues along with the current number of cases around those issues and the % change.

CSAT Score

This widget groups the cases by sentiments (positive, negative, neutral), along with the case count and average CSAT score against each sentiment. The CSAT score metric measures the predicted satisfaction level of a customer based on the context of the conversation.

Average Handling Time per Intent

This widget shows the average handling time by the agent for a given intent.

Agent Leaderboard

This widget shows the top performing agents based on the predicted CSAT score (AI driven) along with the case count and average Quality score against each agent

Areas of Improvement

This widget highlights the areas which require major improvements. The widget also provides under which category the areas fall, scores and percentage change in scores

Top Insights

The Top Insights widget showcases the most recent insights related to the insights groups that are shared with you. By clicking on a specific insight card, you will be redirected to the Insights Third Pane, providing detailed information and analysis associated with that particular insight.