HSM Carousel Templates for WhatsApp Business



Carousel templates enable you to send a single text message accompanied by up to 10 carousel cards that users can scroll through horizontally.


This template is available under both the marketing and utility categories.

Template Elements:

  1. Message Bubble: Main body that appears above the carousel.

    • Rich Text, up to 1024 characters.

    • Supports variables.

  2. Carousel Cards:

    • A maximum of 10 cards can be added (minimum of 2).

    • Card Header:

      • Supports image or video.

      • Format must be consistent across all cards.

      • Variables are not supported.

    • Body:

      • Up to 160 characters.

      • Supports variables.

      • Customizable for each card.

    • Buttons:

      • A maximum of 2 buttons per card.

      • Can be Quick reply, Phone number, or Open URL.

      • The type of button must be consistent across all cards.

      • Can be the same or a mix of any two types.