Sprinklr's Insights Assistant


Insights Assistant is aimed at reducing the time to insight for Sprinklr users. In the past, users had to perform multiple steps for identifying insights and there was a need for multiple drill-downs to get to relevant information. Also, a number of times users are unaware of which widget to plot on the dashboard to identify insights and solve their use case. Moreover, collaboration is at the core of key business processes, and it is increasingly important for users to be able to effectively disseminate insights across their organization.

Insights Assistant leverages Sprinklr's AI capabilities to show the most crucial insights around key product metrics without requiring users to create dashboards or drill down on widgets. This will improve the efficiency of Sprinklr users and reduce the time to identify insights.

Additionally, users would have the ability to save insights they identified. The users can conduct further actionability on insights as well as effectively collaborate on insights, providing users the ability to share insights across teams, assign them to other users, and track progress on tasks, improving the cumulative efficiency of the team.

User personas and use cases

  • Product Managers can use the Insights Assistant to track product usage and identify areas for improvement. They can also use Boards to share insights with their team and collaborate on product strategies.

  • Marketing Managers can use Insights Assistant to monitor the effectiveness of their campaigns by tracking key metrics and identifying trends.

  • Data Analysts will find value with the AI-generated insights, which can help save time by providing a starting point for analysis.

Layout of Insights Assistant

The Insights Assistant consists primarily of five sections –

  • All Insights: It contains both manually and AI generated insights displayed in separate tabs for a lucid segregation of both the insights.

  • Created by me: This section is dedicated to store all the insights manually selected and added by the user.

  • Favorites: This section contains all the insights marked as favorite by the user, by clicking on the star icon on the insights card.

  • Archive: This section contains all the archived insights by the user.

  • Boards: These are the scrollable insights roster, which are strategically created to share the insights with your coworkers for a quick and collaborative brainstorming.

All Insights

The All Insights section is a consolidation of both Manual and AI-generated Insights. It consists of all the insights generated within Sprinklr displayed in the form of a stream/feed. It is bifurcated into two tabs – Manual Insights and AI Insights.

  • Manual Insights: This tab will consist of all the manual insights which are created by all users in Sprinklr. Laid out in a social media-esque style feed, it allows the user to scroll through every manual insight added and engage with multiple actions on them.

  • AI Insights: This tab contains all the AI generated insights within Sprinklr. These insights are auto generated by the AI model and eliminates the requirement of manually selecting and adding every insight. The smart AI model detects the crucial dips, peaks, or anomalies which are most relevant to the product or brand.

Created by me

Created by me consists primarily of the insights which are created manually by the user. These insights will be added to the Created by me section of the app. The user will also have an option to add the insights to the Board.

To add desired insight to the Insights Assistant –

  1. Click the Options icon on the widget and select Create Insight.

  2. The create insight popup will have a snapshot of the widget as an Insight Preview. Users will have the option to add the insight to the Created by me section and to add the insight to the board.

  3. Select Create Insight to add it to the my insights section. Click on the drop-down icon to add the insight to a board. The user will be able to create a new board or add the insight to an existing board.

  4. The selected insight will now be added to the Created by me page.


Skimming through a huge volume of insights can be a daunting task and can overwhelm users with a lot of data which might not be relevant to their use case. Boards helps the users avoid the rigorous scrolling of data as it is a common place where the insights are shared only with the desired stakeholders. While creating an insight user can choose the option to create and add to the board, or create a new board.

Users can then select the members with whom they want to share the board.

The board will be created in which the user can add more members and sections later as per their requirement. The board also lets users add AI-generated Insights with the option of AI Insights Setup.

Here users will have the option to automate the AI insights generation based on the filter criteria. Users can set up multiple filters and define their values to fine tune and reduce the time to insights.

AI Insights

How it works?

The enhanced Insights Assistant combines our inbuilt generative AI model with data analysis, severity assessment, and metric averages. This synergy allows the AI to identify anomalies, trends, and areas of improvement both from brand and product-centric perspectives. The ultimate goal is to empower you with smart recommendations that contribute to improving your metrics and user experience.

Key benefits

  • AI-generated Recommendations: The AI generates actionable recommendations that are displayed on insight cards and can be further explored through detailed drill-down views. This eliminates the need for manual investigation, enabling you to quickly identify and address issues related to low-performing attributes.

  • Impact Metrics: For each recommendation, corresponding impact metrics are presented on the user interface. These metrics include Severity/Relevancy scores, % contribution, and average metric values. This contextual information helps you understand the importance of each recommendation in relation to your metrics.

  • Improved Prioritization: The AI-generated recommendations are prioritized using impact metrics. This prioritization guides you directly to the most impactful recommendations that demand immediate attention, enabling efficient decision-making and action-taking.