Sharing & Configuring of Layout for users


The sharing and configuration of the layout for users can be controlled by using the ‘Change Activation’ button. This feature allows a particular role to be part of the layout and thus all users in that role can see that layout as well. As seen in the image below, the Role ID selection gives the allowance to select all roles that need to be added in a particular layout.

The ‘Advance Settings’ part of the button allows the user to select custom fields set on a value to be shared on this layout. For example, if we select Vertical [DA] custom field set on value “Airline”, then this value will display the layout on which it is set. As seen in the image below, we set the Custom field’s value and the change will be updated in the JSON editor as well. This makes it easier for users to select the custom field’s value on which a particular layout has to be shown.