Account Rules


Account rule conditions

Conditions can be set in Account Rules to check for specific criteria that an account meets when it is brought into Sprinklr before an action is executed on the accounts. Below, is a list of the Account Rule Condition types and the specific conditions within those condition types.

  • Account Conditions

  • Account Property Conditions

  • Account Owner Property Conditions

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Account Conditions

The Account Conditions are conditions applicable to the accounts.


Account Group

Select the account group.

Account Name

Select the account name.

Account Status

Select account status.

Account Time Zone

Select Time Zone.

Account Type

Select the account type(Page, Profile, Group, etc )

Custom Fields Updated

Select the custom field.

Sprinklr Channel

Select a social channel or channels (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc) as the social network from which the message originates.

Account Property Conditions

The Account Property Conditions are conditions applicable to the account level custom fields. Under this condition, you have to select the custom field that can stisfy the condition.

Account Owner Property Conditions

The acount owner property conditions are conditions applicable to the owner of the account - the user.

Marketing Role

Select the marketing role of the user as a condition.


Select the Persona of the user as a condition.

Roles & Permissions

Select the roles & permissions of the user as a condition.

Temporary Persona App

Select the temporary persona app as a condition.

User Availability Status

Select the availability status of the user as a condition.

User Products

Select the assigned/subscribed product of the user as a condition.

Is Account Owner Distributed User

Select if the account owner is a Distributed user or not.

Account Rule Actions

Account rule action is of one type - Update Account Properties.

Account Default Shortner Url

Select to set default url shortener for the account

Account Groups

Select to merge the account into an account group.

Account Subscribers

Select this to add users under account subscribers.

Account Time Zone

Set Time Zone for the accounts

Workspace Visibility

Select this to control visibility of the account in the workspace

Custom Properties

Update cumtom properties related to an account.