Rule Engine Value Realization





Profile based on Campaign


Users will be tagged based on a campaign they have engaged with. This begins to build customer personas based on how they engage with your brand.

Custom Property Auto-Tagging based on Keywords


If the outbound post includes the keywords listed within the rule, it will automatically select the Custom Property associated once the post is published. This saves time in publishing and improves the effectiveness of your outbound reporting.

Auto-Tag Custom Properties based on Account


If a specific Account is selected, the specific Custom Properties are selected (i.e. If Account A is selected and there is a Custom Property for Account Type, then Account A would be selected there, too.) This saves time in publishing and improves the effectiveness of your outbound reporting.

Profile based on Listening Topic


Users will be tagged based on what they talk about. This begins to build customer personas based on how they talk about your brand, products, or competitors.

Add to Profile List based on Listening Keywords Used


If certain Listening Topics are triggered, add that user’s Profile into a Profile List (i.e. If someone mentions loving a product, add them to the Advocate Profile List.) This begins to build customer personas based on how they talk about your brand, products, or competitors.

Profile based on message text


Tags profile based on text keywords automatically for detailed profiling (i.e. if a person says “I want to buy something” tag profile as ‘Prospect’.) This begins to build customer personas based on how they talk about your brand, products, or competitors.

Inbound Message Volumetric Alert


This will notify you of a possible crisis or viral event that is happening on one of your owned properties, such as your Facebook Page or Instagram account.

Inbound Viral Tweets


If an inbound tweet that mentions your brand gets high # of retweets, send out alert so teams can be notified.

Universal Inbox


Messages from all accounts routed into one catch-all queue (Universal Inbox). This creates a consolidated view of all inbound conversation, saving time in monitoring.

Outbound Property auto-filled based on account/region


If this account group is selected when publishing then auto-tag outbound post with BU name or Regional tag. This saves time in publishing and improves the effectiveness of your outbound reporting.

Custom Property Auto-Fill based on keywords


If the outbound post includes the keywords listed within the rule, it will automatically select the Custom Property associated before the post is published. This saves time in publishing and improves the effectiveness of your outbound reporting.

Custom Property for Auto-Imported Content


If the content includes specific keywords identified and it was auto-imported, it will be tagged with the appropriate Custom Property associated.

Stop Publishing (delete)  due to profanity


If someone publishes natively using a set of profanity keywords, the post will be deleted.

Stop publishing if explicit keywords or certain brand partner keywords mentioned that need to be approved


If someone publishes through Sprinklr using a set of profanity keywords, the post will not leave the system.

Auto-Tag SAM Assets with Custom Property selected


Custom Properties selected on the Outbound Post will also be applied to the image once posted. From there, you can also organize SAM Boards by these Custom Properties, creating efficiencies in your SAM and improving your asset reporting and governance.

Copy Action Rules


Apply outbound fields to inbound messages replied to. This helps your marketers understand what inbound conversation is in response to marketing messaging.

Customer Profile List


To build a list of all your customers, you can leverage your customer care team’s workflow to identify a specific queue (ex. Closed, Resolved) that all valid customers must pass through. When their message reaches this queue, the rule will trigger to add the customer to a profile list. This, in turn, will serve as a validated list of customers for the client to leverage for Listening, Reporting, etc.

Profile List to Queue


Monitor the activity surrounding a Profile List in your Engagement Dashboards by triggered Profile Lists to pull into a Queue, then add a Queue Column.