Getting Started with Knowledge Base Builder


Navigate to Knowledge Base Builder

Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, select Knowledge Base within Resolve.

Note: Users must have the appropriate Knowledge Base and Care Community permissions to create, manage, and publish Knowledge Base articles. To learn more, see Sprinklr Service Permissions.

Create a Category

Categories are like folders that help you organize your content. You can create multiple categories and subcategories based on product/service, issue type, teams, region, or formats like FAQs, troubleshooting guides, etc.

Every article in Sprinklr Knowledge Base is located within a Category. Click on the Create Category in the top right corner to get started with category creation.

Create an Article

On the Knowledge Base builder, select the desired category/subcategory and click Create Article in the top right corner to get started with articles creation.

Other Builder Options

Refer to the following table for description of other actions supported in the builder-





Search Bar

Search for any desired article.

Search results will display articles that exactly match the searched text in quotes (“ ”) in either the title or body, ensuring precise results. Additionally, articles containing the searched keyword without quotes will appear, with those having the keyword in the title given higher priority. Furthermore, we support the use of “and” and “or” connectors in search queries, applicable to both title and body searches, allowing for more refined and accurate search results.

When searching or filtering articles, you will see a hierarchy that clearly displays the parent-child relationships between articles. This view helps users easily identify parent articles and their related child articles, including all translations. This enhancement reduces the time needed to locate specific articles and perform bulk actions.


Switch to grid

Switch to the grid view.



Click to apply filters to your dashboard to narrow down results. You can also save the applied filters as a quick filter. Click Save on the right and give a Name to it.

Once saved, you can Rename, Share, and Delete the quick filter.

You can now pin your most frequently used filters at the partner level, making it easier to access and manage your preferred filters quickly.

When searching or filtering articles, you will see a hierarchy that clearly displays the parent-child relationships between articles. This view helps users easily identify parent articles and their related child articles, including all translations. This enhancement reduces the time needed to locate specific articles and perform bulk actions.



Click to refresh the dashboard.


Sort By

Sort the articles by Modified On or Created On date. By default, the articles will be sorted by the modified time in descending order.


Manage Columns

Choose or rearrange the columns that you wish to display on the dashboard. Custom fields for articles that appear in the third pane of the article view will also be available in the Manage Columns section. This allows you to add these custom fields as columns, enabling you to view the values directly within the article list.


Show All

To display all the subcategories associated with a particular category, simply click on it. For a complete listing of the main categories, refer to the Homepage.


Show All

To display all articles under a particular category, click the corresponding button. To see a comprehensive collection of articles under different categories and subcategories, refer to the Homepage.

Types of Articles

Imported - All the articles migrated from an external Knowledge Repository to Sprinklr.

Native - All the articles created in Sprinklr Knowledge Base.

Nominated - All the nominated articles.

External - All the articles copied to Sprinklr Knowledge Base but hosted on an external site.