Who is a Supervisor ?


Who is a Supervisor ?

Organizations across the globe need certain people to plan, organize and monitor the day to day operations taking place within different teams. Apart from that, these people engage with a set of people, understand their problems and guide them so that they can provide their best service to the organization and to the customers. We call these people as Supervisors or People Managers.

What is the role of a Supervisor ?

As the name suggests, the most basic role of a supervisor is to supervise the activities of his/her team and analyze their performance. To maximize the efficiency, it is also important for a supervisor to view the performance of incoming cases and drill down to agent customer interaction for getting the actual picture. The major roles of a Supervisor are further discussed below. 

Planning and organizing task

Supervisors are responsible for planning the workflow and organizing the tasks within agents in an optimized manner. Supervisor can use real time monitoring of their agents and can quickly assign or unassign cases to them as required.


Train your subordinates

Provide training/coaching to your underperforming agents to increase productivity. In Sprinklr, a supervisor can coach the agent who is on a live call/case.These ensures that agents are dealing with customers keeping in mind the best practices. 

Resolve critical issues of your customers

Resolve critical cases which require an expert’s knowledge. In Sprinklr, agents and supervisors can view the complete conversation history of a customer with the brand which helps to understand the issue better. 

Generate and Analyze performance reports

An important task for a supervisor is to analyze different performance metrics and take data-driven decisions. These reports can include total customer queries of the day, pending cases, agent login time reports, etc.