Facebook Account Deactivation Reasons


Sprinklr displays the specific reason for your disconnections whenever possible. This article lists down the most common errors we receive from Facebook, along with recommendations to avoid them in the future.

Facebook Password/Security Alert

This is the most common reason that Facebook accounts get disconnected. We receive this message from Facebook when:

  • Your Facebook account password gets updated

  • Facebook has detected what it thinks is a suspicious login attempt to your account. This includes logging in from a device or web browser that Facebook doesn’t recognize. To protect your account, Facebook disconnects any third-party tools, like Sprinklr. Here’s what you can do to avoid this in the future:

    • Avoid using alias usernames for your Facebook accounts. Use the same name on Facebook that you use in everyday life, so people know who they’re connecting with.

    • Don’t share your Facebook account credentials (username and password) with anyone else. Team members managing Pages or groups should be signing in with their own credentials.

    • Try turning on Facebook alerts for unrecognized logins. If you start getting alerts, you can tell Facebook which devices and browsers to trust in the future

Facebook Access Revoked

When you connect your Facebook account to Sprinklr, Sprinklr is added as an authorization connection to your Facebook account’s Business Integrations. f Sprinklr is removed from the authorized connections list, its access to your Facebook account is revoked and your Facebook account, including all your Pages, groups, and associated Instagram business accounts, is disconnected from Sprinklr.

Revoking access to a social account can be a necessary troubleshooting step. It starts you with a clean slate before you reconnect that account to Sprinklr. Make sure you and your team understand the consequences of revoking Sprinklr’s access to a Facebook account.

Facebook Security Checkpoint Triggered

When Facebook thinks your account security may be compromised, it triggers a security check when you log in. This needs to be completed before you or Sprinklr can access the account. Security checks are different ways of confirming your identity. For example, they might ask you to identify friends in a tagged photo or provide your date of birth. This needs to be completed before you or Sprinklr can access the account.

Actions that can trigger security checks include:

  • Compromised accounts

  • Unrecognized logins

  • Incomplete setup of 2FA

  • Reports of inappropriate content

  • Copyright violations

To resolve the issue and unblock your account, do the following:

  • Clear the cookies and history from your browser

  • Go to facebook.com and sign in to your Facebook account

  • Follow the instructions to complete the security check provided

  • Wait another 24 hours before signing in to your Facebook account

If you encounter an issue completing the security check, report it to Facebook.

To reduce the risk of triggering a security check-in future:

Facebook Token Expired

Facebook supplies tokens that allow Sprinklr to access and connect to your account. When a token expires, your Facebook account, including all your Pages, groups, and associated Instagram business accounts, disconnects from Sprinklr. This disconnection occurs with the following actions:

  • The user who connected the account to Sprinklr is no longer an Admin of the Facebook Page or group.

    • To add a Facebook Page or group to Sprinklr, your Facebook user must be an Admin of the Page or group. If your Admin role is later removed, the Page or group will disconnect from Sprinklr.

Unconfirmed Facebook Account

This error means there’s an issue with your account that needs to be resolved on Facebook before you can reconnect it to Sprinklr. Sign in to your Facebook account to see what Facebook needs you to do to resolve it.

Insufficient Page Role

To add a Facebook Page to Sprinklr, your Facebook account must have a Page role of Admin or Editor. This disconnection occurs when the user who connected the account to Sprinklr is no longer an Admin or Editor of the Facebook Page.  Their role may have changed, or more commonly, their account was removed from the Page because they left the company.

To learn more, see the Facebook help article Manage Page Settings.

Sprinklr Lacks Page Permissions

When you connect your Facebook account to Sprinklr, the Sprinklr app gets authorized in your Facebook account’s Business Integrations as a connected app. This is where you can manage what information you share with Sprinklr, and what Sprinklr can manage for you. Verify that you have given Sprinklr full access to your Facebook Page. If some permissions were not granted to Sprinklr during a previous connection with Facebook, or have been removed, you need to update those settings and grant all permissions in order to gain full functionality.

To learn more, see the Facebook help article How do I edit the privacy and settings for my business integrations?


Page Restriction Settings

This error means that Sprinklr can't access some of your Page's data that it has requested from Facebook. The most common cause for this is when the Page has country or age restrictions, or if the Page itself is not published. Check your Page’s settings to see if any of these things are restricting its visibility. If the Facebook account that was used to connect the Page to Sprinklr does not meet the Page’s visibility requirements, then Sprinklr won’t be able to see the Page either.

Although some periodic disconnections are expected, you can avoid many others by adhering to the best practices.

When a Social Account becomes 'disconnected,' both Admin and Social Account Owners within the Sprinklr receive an email notification with an alert that the Social Account has been disconnected.