Facebook Messenger Configuration


Sprinklr lets you configure the Welcome Screen and Persistent Menu for Facebook Messenger, allowing you to trigger automatic templated interactions with customers through a menu option in Facebook Messenger. The article states steps to set up a persistent menu for facebook messenger.

Configure Facebook Messenger

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under Governance Console, click Accounts within Platform Setup.

  2. On the Accounts (Settings) window, search for Facebook Page accounts.

  3. Hover over the Options icon Space_Mobile_Options.png alongside the desired account and select Configure Your Messenger.

  4. In the Messenger Configuration window, you will find these sections:

    • Welcome Screen

      • You can set the Greeting Text and also Upload Asset (from DAM) for the templated content to send when the user clicks Get Started.

      • To enable it on Facebook, check the box alongside Enabled on Facebook.

    • Persistent Menu

      • Add URL - This action allows you to configure the menu item in such a way that when a customer clicks on the menu item they are redirected to an external URL.

      • Select Reply from Asset Manager - This action allows you to configure a DAM asset (Chat templates) to be sent to the customer when they click on this menu item.

      • To enable it on Facebook, check the box alongside Enabled on Facebook.

      • To allow customers  to chat, check the box alongside Allow the user to chat with you.

  5. Click on Save to set up the configuration.