How Agents Request to Trade for Preferred Shift


The Shift Trade Request feature in Sprinklr WFM empowers agents to seamlessly manage their schedules by facilitating the exchange of shifts. The Shift Trade Request feature allows agents to navigate to the Request Dashboard, providing them with a user-friendly interface to initiate and manage shift trades effortlessly. Agents can select their shifts, propose desired alternatives, and communicate trade terms seamlessly. They can raise an open trade request visible to all available agents or send a direct trade request to a specific colleague, this feature enhances scheduling flexibility.

Prerequisites for Shift Trade Request:

Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment and your user should have access to Workforce Planner Persona along with View, Create, Delete and Accept permission under the shift swapping section in the workforce management module.

Agents should also have the necessary permissions to access the Request Dashboard and initiate shift trade requests.

Requesting a Shift Trade:

Initiating Request: On the Requests Dashboard, agents can find the Request Shift Trade option and click on it to start the process.

Selecting Shifts & Adding Trade Terms: Agents can choose the shift they wish to trade from their current schedule and specify the desired shift they would like to trade for. This can involve either raising an open trade request, visible to all available agents, or sending a direct trade request to a specific agent where they can select the agent with whom they'd like to trade shift with.

Agents can additionally provide context or specify trade terms by adding notes to their trade request. This helps in communicating preferences or conditions related to the trade.

Trading Day-offs: In addition to trading shifts, agents can also use the same workflow to trade their day-offs for shifts, enabling flexibility in scheduling. They can try to trade their shift in order to receive a day-off and provide their own day-off in return to get the agent's shift for some other day in pairs.

After configuring the details, agents submit the shift trade request for other agents to view and possibly accept the shift trade. The request is processed by the system, and relevant notifications are sent to the involved parties. Supervisors or planners can access the shift trade requests and review them once a pair of agents agree to trade. They can approve or deny the request and relevant notifications are sent to both the agents involved in shift trade.