Coded Message Tags


You can choose to color-code messages that have been tagged so they stand out in the Engagement Dashboards. Once you set up the message tag it will automatically go into effect. Any message that is tagged with the condition you establish will automatically get tagged with the desired color.

To Add a Color-Coded Message Tag

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the  Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup

  2. In the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer or Manage Workspace to add tags to either at customer level or at workspace level respectively. 

  3. Search and select Tagging from the list of options. 

  4. In the top-right corner of the Tagging window, click Add Tag.

  5. In the Create a Tag window, click Message Tag under Select Tag Type.  PlatformSettings_Tagging_MessageTag.png

  6. Fill in the required details. For more information, see Create a Message Tag — Field Descriptions.

  7. Click Save to confirm your tag.

Create a Message Tag — Field Descriptions

Tag Name

Enter a unique name for the message tag. 

Tag Label

Enter the label for the message tag.

Color Code

Enter the color-code or select the custom color-selector to choose a color code for the message tag.


Select criteria from the available options. 


Select a value from the available options. Based on which the messages in the Engagement Dashboards will be tagged. 

SpaceIcon_SocialDMP_DataSource.png Add another criteria

Click this field to add multiple custom fields to your tags.

To View a Color-Coded Message Tag in Engagement Dashboards

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage

  2. Click Icon_Space_Dashboard_Menu.png icon at the top left corner and select the desired dashboard from the list of options available.

  3. In the Engagement Dashboard, any message that is tagged with the condition you establish will automatically get tagged with the desired color.ModernEngagement_EngagementDashboards_Color-CodedMessage.png