Metrics and Dimensions supported in Listening


Understanding and analyzing metrics and dimensions in Social Listening is crucial for deriving actionable insights and making informed decisions. By measuring important metrics and leveraging relevant dimensions, you can evaluate your listening efforts effectively and optimize your strategies for better outcomes. 
Through this article, we will help you get familiar with all the metrics and dimensions supported in Social Listening. 


  • On searching for specific metrics or dimensions, you can view their type (the category a metric or dimension lies in) within the search results.

  • Upon hovering over any metric or dimension plotted on a widget within a Listening dashboard, you can see its definition along with the list of supported sources. Add Location form


The following metrics are supported in Social Listening – 

Metric Name 


Applicable Sources 

Message Engagement

Anger Reactions Count 

Number of "Anger" reactions on a Facebook message or comment 


Comment Likes 

Sum of likes on all the comments of a message 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Reddit, Sina Weibo, Twitter, Videos, VK, YouTube 

Comments Count 

Number of all comments on a message 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Reddit, Sina Weibo, Twitter, Videos, VK, YouTube 

Earned Engagements 

Sum of all engagements on a message like replies, retweets, favorites, etc. 

All Sources 

Earned Mentions 

Number of messages from accounts that are not authenticated in Sprinklr 

All Sources 

Haha Reactions Count 

Number of "Haha" reactions on a Facebook message or comment 


Likes Count 

Count of likes on a message 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, VK, YouTube 

Love Reactions Count 

Number of love reactions on a facebook message 



Count of messages matching your criteria. One mention corresponds to one message. 

All Sources 

Mentions Excluding Retweets 

Count of messages excluding message type of retweets 

All Sources 

Negative Mentions 

Number of mentions having a AI identified negative sentiment 

All Sources 

Net vote 

A measure of net vote on a message. It is calculated as Net Vote = Up Votes – Down votes 

Quora, Reddit 

Neutral Location Insights Count 

Count of AI identified insights with neutral sentiment in Location Insights 

All Sources 

Neutral Mentions 

Number of mentions having an AI identified neutral sentiment 

All Sources 

Owned Mentions 

Number of messages from accounts that are authenticated in Sprinklr 

All Sources 

Positive Mentions 

Number of mentions having a AI identified positive sentiment 

All Sources 

Post Followers Count 

Number of followers of a post 


Quora Answer Count 

Number of answers given on a Quora question 


Reactions Count 

Total reactions on a Facebook message like love, haha, etc. 


Replies Count 

Count of replies on a message 

Blogs/Websites, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, Videos 

Reward Reactions Count 

Number of reward reactions on a Facebook message 


Sad Reactions Count 

Number of sad reactions on a Facebook message 


Shares Count 

Count of shares of a message 

Facebook, Quora, Sina Weibo, VK 

Twitter Retweets 

Count of retweets of a tweet 


Upvote Percentage 

Percentage of number of upvotes versus total votes (Upvotes+Downvotes) for a Reddit message 


View Count 

Number of views on a message 

Forums, News, Quora, YouTube 

Wow Reactions Count 

Number of Wow reactions on a Facebook message 


Author Related

Distinct Users 

A count of deduplicated author's display name posting the messages 

All Sources 

Influencer Score 

Score assigned to measure the level of influence of an author profile based on metrics such as followers, following and posts. The score ranges from 0 to 100 

Facebook, Quora, Sina Weibo, Twitter, VK, YouTube 

Reddit Author Karma 

Total votes a reddit author has earned on all their posts and comments. Higher upvotes results in higher Karma 


Sentiment Analysis

Insight Sentiment 

Average of experience score for each insights in a message on the basis of its sentiment 

All Sources 

Sentiment Score 

A measure of overall sentiment of a message. It is calculated as: 

Net Sentiment Score = (Positive Mentions - Negative Mentions) / (Positive Mentions + Negative Mentions) 

All Sources 

Scoring & Rating

Alexa Rank 

A relative measure of global popularity of the web domain based on unique visitors and pageviews metrics from the past 3 months 

All Sources 

Domain Authority 

A search engine ranking score provided by Moz that predicts how likely a website is to rank on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). The metric ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being a popular site 

All Sources 

Experience Score 

The sentiment score for a message based on all its individual insights. 

Experience Score = 100* (Number of positive insights) + 50* (Number of neutral insights) + 0*(Number of negative insights) / Total Insights 

All Sources 

Global Rank 

Ranking of the web domain from Similarweb based on monthly unique visitors and pageviews metrics. Lower the rank, more popular the site 

All Sources 

Moz External Links 

Number of external links to the domain of the source of the message 

All Sources 

Moz Rank 

A measure of the authority of the web domain by Moz. The metric ranges ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being a popular site. Domain Authority is recommended 

All Sources 

Moz Spam Score 

A measure of how likely a web domain will be penalized. The metric ranges from 0 to 18, with 18 being a spammy site 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Sina Weibo, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 

Star Rating 

Number of stars on a review at the time of reviewing. It ranges from 0 to 5 

Forums, Reviews 

Social & Web Reach

Alexa Page Views 

Number of page views of a web message as provided by Alexa. It is calculated as pageviews of the message against a sample of million pageviews made by the Alexa traffic 

All Sources 

Alexa Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed the web message as provided by Alexa. It is calculated as number of users visiting the site publishing the message out of a million global internet users 

All Sources 

Earned Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed the social message. It is measured by including the follower count of the author at the time of posting. 

All Sources 


Estimation of the earned monetary value of a message equivalent to gaining value via marketing and PR efforts. It is calculated based on Media Reach, Ad Rate and Editorial ranks of the publisher and Word Count. 

News, Print, TV, Radio 

Media Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed the message for sources like Web sources (Unique Visitors per Month), Print (Circulation) and Broadcast (Viewership) 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Print, Reviews, TV, Videos 

News Media Potential Reach (Desktop) 

Potential number of audience who viewed the web article based on the website’s Unique Visitors per Month (UVPM) on desktop – Powered by Similarweb 

All Sources 

News Media Potential Reach (Mobile) 

Potential number of audience who viewed the web article based on the website’s Unique Visitors per Month (UVPM) on mobile- Powered by Similarweb 

All Sources 

Overall Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed a message.

Overall Reach = Reach of social channels + Media Reach of traditional & web channels. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reviews, Sina Weibo, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, YouTube 

Owned Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed the social message. It is measured by including the follower count of the messages from accounts that are authenticated in Sprinklr. 

All Sources 

Potential Reach Count 

Potential number of unique audience who viewed the social message(s). It is measured by including the follower count of the author at the time of posting and deduplicating users across all messages. 

Facebook, Quora, Twitter 


Potential number of audience who viewed the social message. It is measured by including the follower count of the author at the time of posting. 

Facebook, Quora, Sina Weibo, Twitter, VK, YouTube 

Total News Media Potential Reach 

Potential number of audience who viewed the web article based on the website’s Unique Visitors per Month (UVPM) on desktop and mobile - Powered by Similarweb 

All Sources 

Web Unique Reach 

Potential number of unique audience who viewed the web message based on Unique Visitors per Month (UVPM) but deduped at a domain/publisher level. For eg: If has five messages, Web Unique Reach will only be considered for one message. 

Blogs/Websites, News 

Conversation Analysis

Distinct Domains 

Number of unique web domains kike who published a message 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Videos, VK, WordPress 

News Analysis

[Note : These metrics are available upon enablement of MMA module in addition to Listening]

Comments on Web shares on Facebook

Number of comments received on Facebook messages with an article shared in the message

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Publications Count

Number of unique news publications like Forbes who published a message(s)

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Videos, VK, WordPress 

Reactions on Web shares on Facebook 

Number of reactions received on Facebook messages with an article shared in the message

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Story Active Count 

Number of AI-generated stories i.e. groups of similar messages

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter, Videos 

Web Impact 

A measure of the impact created by a web message based on two metrics: Moz Rank and Web Shares Overall. The score ranges from 0-100, with 100 being a highly impactful article. 

Blogs/Websites, News 

Web Influence 

A measure of the popularity of the publisher’s domain based on MOZ Rank. The score ranges from 0-100, with 100 being a highly influential article 

Blogs/Websites, News 

Web shares on facebook 

Number of shares of web messages on Facebook 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Web shares on reddit 

Number of shares of web messages on Reddit 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Web shares on twitter 

Number of shares of web messages on Twitter 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Web shares overall 

Total number of shares of web messages on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Podcast, Reddit, Reviews, Videos 

Product & Location Insights

Attribute Metrics Negative 

Count of AI identified attributes with negative sentiment on the message in Product & Location Insights. 

All Sources 

Attribute Metrics Positive 

Count of AI identified attributes with positive sentiment on the message in Product & Location Insights. 

All Sources 

Attributes Metrics Total 

Count of AI identified attributes on the message in Product & Location Insights. 

All Sources 

Subject Metrics Negative 

Count of AI identified subject insights with negative sentiment for Location Insights & Product insights. 

All Sources 

Subject Metrics Positive 

Count of AI identified subject insights with positive sentiment for Location Insights & Product insights. 

All Sources 

Subject Metrics Total 

Count of AI identified subject insights for Location Insights & Product insights. 

All Sources 

Image & Visual Analytics

Photo Mentions 

Number of mentions containing Photos in the message body

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 


Case Count 

Number of cases where a case in Sprinklr is an entity that can be used to track a message(s) or a thread 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 



Number of Insights detected in a message with Product & Location Insights module 

All Sources 

Negative Location Insights Count 

Count of AI identified insights with negative sentiment in Location Insights 

All Sources 

Positive Location Insights Count 

Count of AI identified insights with positive sentiment in Location Insights 

All Sources 


The following dimensions are supported in Social Listening –

Dimension Name 


Applicable Sources 

Topic & Other Inputs

Data Ingestion File Name 

The name assigned to the Data Ingestion File 


Data Ingestion File Tag 

The tag assigned to the Data Ingestion File 


Domain List Tags 

Tags associated with different domain lists. You can visualize tags to measure the performance of different usecases on the widget 


Dynamic Theme 

Widget-specific themes to categorize data based on keywords. To configure them, find "Dynamic Theme Options" within Widget builder for certain widget types like Bar, Column, Line etc 


Global Profile List 

A profile list of selected author profiles created within Sprinklr (available globally) 


Keyword List Tag 

Tags associated with different keyword lists. You can visualize tags to measure the performance of different usecases on the widget 

All Sources 


Set of keywords and filters that can be used to sort Listening Insights data across a pre-built area of focus. 


Theme Tag 

Tags associated with different theme queries. You can visualize tags to measure the performance of different usecases on the widget 



Topic queries to visualize on the widget with a set of filters inorder to measure the performance 


Topic Group 

Topics which are grouped together in a topic group. You can visualize tags to measure the performance of different usecases on the widget 


Topic Tag 

Tags associated with different topic queries. You can visualize tags to measure the performance of different usecases on the widget 


Workspace Profile List 

A profile list of selected author profiles created within Sprinklr (available at workspace level) 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 

Author related

Age Category 

AI identified age category of the author based on profile image and name. By default, this includes 4 age buckets like 0-18, 19-25, etc. 

Facebook, Quora, Twitter 

Followers Count 

Classification of authors based on their followers count using defined ranges like 0-500, 500-1000, etc. 

Facebook, Quora, Twitter 

From User 

Author's display name as shown in the native channel 

All Sources 


AI identified gender of the author based on profile image and name. By default, this includes two buckets - Male and Female 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, Sina Weibo, TV, Radio, Twitter, WordPress, YouTube 

General Interest 

AI identified general interests of the author based on user bio like entertainment, politics, technology etc 


Influencer Score 

Score assigned to measure the level of influence of an author profile based on metrics such as followers, following and posts. The score ranges from 0 to 100 and bucketed with multiple of 10 

Facebook, Quora, Sina Weibo, Twitter, VK, YouTube 

Is Business Profile 

AI based classification if an author profile is business/ brand (True) or not (False) 


Marital Status 

AI identified marital status of the author based on user bio. By default, this includes two buckets - Married and Unmarried 


Niche Interest 

AI identified niche interests of the author based on user bio like Actress, Singers, Musician etc 


Parental Status 

AI recognised parental status from user bio 



AI identified profession of message author like Artist, Author, Engineer etc. 

Quora, Reviews, Twitter 

Profile Country 

Country identified from the profile of the author 


Profile Language 

Language identified from the profile of the author 


Profile Type 

Classification of the author profile based on the type of profile like Business, Individual, Sports Celebrity etc 

Facebook, Twitter 

Top Advocates 

Display name of authors with the highest volume of positive sentiment messages 

All Sources 

Top Detractors 

Display name of authors with the highest volume of negative sentiment messages 

All Sources 

Top Prolific Users 

Display name of authors with the highest volume of messages 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, Sina Weibo, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, WordPress, YouTube 

Top Users By Influencer Score 

Display name of authors with the highest influencer score 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, Sina Weibo, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, WordPress, YouTube 

Top Users By Reach 

Display name of authors with the highest reach 

All Sources 

User Follower 

Total number of followers of the author of the message 

Facebook, Quora, Twitter 

Verified User 

Classification if the Twitter author profile is verified i.e. has blue tick (True) or not (False) 

All Sources 

Time Range related

Created Time 

The date/time when the message was created, as captured by Sprinklr or provided by the source partner 

All Sources 

Day of Time Range 

The respective day number in the selected time range where start date will be indicated as Day 1. 

All Sources 

Day Of Week 

The name of the day of the week based on the created time of the message such as Monday, Tuesday and so on. 

All Sources 

Month Of Year 

The name of the calendar month based on the created time of the message such as January, February and so on. 

All Sources 

Time Of Day 

The hour of the day based on the created time of the message such as 01:00, 03:00 etc (based on 24h clock format and time zone) 

All Sources 

Week of Time Range 

The respective week number in the selected time range where starting week will be indicated as Week 1. 

All Sources 

Conversation Analysis

Conversation Stream 

The content of a message as captured by Sprinklr or provided by the source partner 

All Sources 


The root domain name of a message's website of origin. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Videos, VK, WordPress 

Earned/Owned Mentions 

Classification of owned messages (messages from the accounts authenticated in Sprinklr) versus earned messages (all other messages). 

All Sources 


Emoticons detected within message text. 

All Sources 


Forum link associated with the message 

Blogs/Websites, Forums, News, Reddit, Reviews 

Has Brand Responded 

AI classification if a brand has responded (True) or not (False). 

All Sources 


Hashtags (#) used within message text like #sprinklr, #cxm etc 

All Sources 


AI identified language of a message like English, Hindi, Chinese etc 

All Sources 


Identifies the URLs mentioned within the message text 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 

Media Type 

Classification of message based on the digital media format used. Eg: Post, Photo, Video, Link, Status, etc 

All Sources 

Message Type 

Classification based on the type of message and source like Twitter Reply, Reddit Comment, Instagram Post etc 

All Sources 

Possibly Sensitive 

Flags if the tweet is possibly NSFW/Sensitive (True) or not (False), as provided by Twitter 


Quora Topics 

Classification of subject of Quora questions in to categories like Food, Nutrition, Banking etc as provided by Quora 


Recommendation Type 

Classifies the facebook owned review between recommended or not recommended. 

All Sources 

Review Source 

The name of the source from which the review message was captured. For eg: Amazon, Lowe's 

Blogs/Websites, Forums, News, Reviews, Twitter, WordPress 

Review title 

The title of the review captured by Sprinklr like Awesome Features, Great Product etc 


Smart Clustering Phrase 

AI identified themes at phrase level within underlying messages based on clustering similar phrases 

All Sources 

Smart Clustering Top Words 

AI identified top words within underlying messages based on clustering of similar keywords 

All Sources 


The channel from which the message was sourced like Twitter, Facebook, News etc 

All Sources 


AI based classification whether a message is Spam or Not Spam 

All Sources 

Spam Category 

AI based classification of Spam into different categories like Advertisement, Spam, Not Spam or Inappropriate/NSFW Content etc 

All Sources 


Permalink to the the associated message from the web source 

Blogs/Websites, News, Reddit, Reviews 

Top Phrase 

Phrases weighted by frequency of occurence within the body of the message(s) 

All Sources 

Word Cloud - Message 

Keywords weighted by frequency of occurence within the body of the message(s) 

All Sources 

Word Cloud - Overall 

Keywords weighted by frequency of occurence within the title and body of the message(s) 

All Sources 

Word Cloud - Title 

Keywords weighted by frequency of occurence within the title of the message(s) 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Print, Reddit, Reviews, Sina Weibo, TV, Radio, Videos, WordPress, YouTube 

Word Cloud for Attribute Insight 

Shows top attributes weighted by frequency of use within the reviews in a word-cloud format. 

All Sources 

Word Cloud for Subject Insight 

Classifies the top subject within insights weighted by frequency of use in a word cloud format 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 

Sentiment Analysis


AI identified emotion associated with a message like Anger, Appreciation, Love etc 

All Sources 

Emotion Category 

Category based on the AI identified emotion associated with a message like Happiness, Sadness etc 

All Sources 


AI detected sentiment of a message, It is classified as Positive, Neutral & Negative 

All Sources 

Smart Clustering Sentiment 

AI detected sentiment of the message containing Smart Clustering phrase. 

All Sources 

Social & Web Reach

Reach Count 

Potential number of audience who viewed the social message. It is bucketed together in ranges with interval of 500 & measured by including the follower count of the author at the time of posting. 

Facebook, Quora, Sina Weibo, Twitter, VK, YouTube 

User Reach 

No. of followers of the user at the time of fetching of a message. 

Facebook, Quora, Twitter 

News Analysis

[Note : These metrics are available upon enablement of MMA module in addition to Listening]

Active Story 

AI powered grouping of messages with similar content 

Blogs/Websites, News, Print 

Editorial Rank 

Ranking of the media source of the message based on its presence such as International, National, etc. The scale of ranking is from 1 to 5, 1 being a better rank 

News, Print, TV, Radio 

Is News Comment 

Classification on the basis of Media Type, if the message is a news comment (True) or not (False) 

All Sources 

Media Source Category 

Source-level categorization based on the type of publication that an article is from like Consumer, Trade, Local etc. 

Blogs/Websites, News, Print, TV, Radio 

Media Source Name 

Name of the Media Source for News websites, Blog sites, Print publications, TV channels Eg: Dailymail UK, Forbes, etc 

Blogs/Websites, News, Print, TV, Radio 

Media title 

The headline of the article as available on the online website or the print publication. 

Blogs/Websites, News, Print, TV, Radio 

Publication Name 

Name of the News wesbite from which the message was sourced like Dailymail UK, Forbes, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, News 

TV Channel 

Name of the TV channel from which the broadcast was sourced 


Image & Visual Analytics

Photo Activity 

AI identified activity within a photo mention for Visual Insights module. For eg, Smile, Event, Writing, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Brand 

AI identified brand within a photo mention for Visual Insights module. For eg, Sprinklr, Apple, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Enrichment Status 

Classifies enrichment status of a photo mention, i.e. if a photo has been enriched by visual insights model or not 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Figures 

AI identified Group or an Individual within a photo mention 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Gender 

AI identified gender within a photo mention. By default, this includes 2 gender buckets – Male and Female 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Object 

AI identified general objects within a photo mention. For eg: watch, Vehicle, Building, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Scene 

AI recognized scenes within a photo mention like Movie, Room, Sky, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Photo Visual Sentiment 

AI identified sentiment within a photo mention. The sentiment can be Positive, Negative, or Neutral. 

Blogs/Websites, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Reddit, Twitter, VK 

Top Photo Brands User 

Display name of authors with the highest influencer score posting the photo brand. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, News, Reddit, Twitter 


Brand Category (Business Locations) 

Classification of the business location as 'My Brand' or 'Competitors' Brand' as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 

Brand Name (Business Locations) 

The name of the brand as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 

Business Location 

The location configured as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 


The city of origin for a message which is derived either based on author profile or source location or derived by Sprinklr AI based on content, etc. 

Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reviews, Twitter 

City (Bio) 

The city mentioned within the userbio of the author of a message 

Facebook, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter, YouTube 

City (Business Locations) 

The name of the city associated with business location as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 

City (Mentioned) 

AI recognised city from a message body like Columbus, Miami, etc. 

All Sources 

Competitor Location Mapping 

The partner brand locations i.e. competitor location that are mapped to the Business Location in the Location Insights module 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, VK, WordPress, YouTube 


The continent of origin for a message which is derived either based on author profile or source location or derived by Sprinklr AI based on content, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, WordPress 


The country of origin for a message which is derived either based on author profile or source location or derived by Sprinklr AI based on content, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, YouTube 

Country (Bio) 

The country mentioned within the userbio of the author of a message 

Facebook, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter, YouTube 

Country (Business Locations) 

The name of the country associated with business location as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 

Country (Mentioned) 

AI recognised country from a message body like Belgium, China, etc. 

All Sources 


The geographical region of origin for a message which is derived either based on author profile or source location or derived by Sprinklr AI based on content, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, News, Podcast, Print, TV, Radio 


The state of origin for a message which is derived either based on author profile or source location or derived by Sprinklr AI based on content, etc. 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Forums, News, Quora, Podcast, Print, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, WordPress 

State (Bio) 

Indicates the state mentioned within the userbio of the author of a message 

Facebook, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter, YouTube 

State (Mentioned) 

The state mentioned in the body of a message 

All Sources 

State/Province (Business Locations) 

The name of the state/ province associated with business location as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 


Zip Code (Business Locations) 

The zip codes associated with business location as per the configuration of locations within the Location Insights module 

All Sources 


Scoring & Rating

Star Rating 

Average star rating across all mentions pulled into Sprinklr. It ranges on a scale of 0 to 5 stars 

Forums, Reviews 

Star Rating Range 

Average star rating across all mentions pulled into Sprinklr. It ranges on a scale of 0 to 5 

Forums, Reviews 

Product & Location Insights

Attribute Category 

Categories associated with a mention powered by AI for Location & Product Insights. For eg: Quality, Pricing & Value, Availability etc. 

All Sources 

Attribute Insight 

AI identified top keywords/phrases associated with the message. Applicable for Location & Product Insights modules 

All Sources 

Insights - Organization (Primary) 

AI identified names of organization present in the review. 

All Sources 

Subjects Category 

AI identified subject categories associated with an insight. For eg: Personel, Product, Fixtures etc 

All Sources 



Indicates if a message or a case is archived or not archived 

All Sources 

Assigned By User 

The name of the user(s) who assigned the message(s) or case(s) 

All Sources 

Assigned To User 

The name of the user(s) to whom the message(s) or case(s) is assigned 

All Sources 

Care Message Type 

AI based classification of message into 'Care' and 'Non-Care' message type. 

All Sources 


Details of case created within sprinklr platform, including Case ID, Case subject & description. 

All Sources 

Case Id 

A unique ID associated with each case. 

All Sources 


AI classification if a message is engageable (True) or not (False). 

Facebook, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter, YouTube 

Generator Source Link 

The link of the web application used to generate a tweet like,, etc 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, News, Podcast, Print, TV, Radio, Twitter 

Generator Source Name 

The name of the web application used to generate a tweet like Twitter for Android, Twitter for iPhone, etc 

Blogs/Websites, Classified, Facebook, News, Podcast, Print, TV, Radio, Twitter 

Global Queues 

Indicates the name of Global Queues (created within Sprinklr to store various types of assets) associated with a message. It is accessible only at Global level 

Facebook, Instagram, News, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter 

Message Category 

AI recognised customer feedback categorization on the basis of message content like Complaint, Issue, Enquiry, Compliment, Leads, etc. 

Facebook, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter 

Message Tag 

Tags assigned to a message, either manually by users or automated via rules 

Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Reddit, Reviews, Twitter 


Indicates the priority (created within Sprinklr to classify priority) associated with a message like Highest, High, medium, Lowest, Low 

News, Twitter 


Classification if a message/ case is private (True) or not (False). 



The value assigned in the Status field of each message/ case. This field can be set in Sprinklr under All Settings. 

All Sources 

Workspace Queues 

Indicates the name of Workspace Queues (created within Sprinklr to store various types of assets) associated with a message. It is accessible only at workspace level. 

Facebook, Forums, Instagram, News, Quora, Print, Reddit, Reviews, TV, Radio, Twitter, Videos, WordPress, YouTube 


Consumer Equity - L1 

AI identified potential consumer equity issues within a message such as socio-political issues, employee/ workplace issues, financial issues and business/ operational issues 

All Sources 

Consumer Equity - L2 

AI identified potential consumer equity issues within a message such as Company Financial, Layoffs, Discrimination etc. at a granular level below respective Consumer Equity - L1s. 

All Sources 


AI identified categories of a message based on its inclination towards a broad cultural style like Individualism, Survival, Authority, etc. 

All Sources 

Entities - Brand Category 

AI recognised industry like Retail, Technology, etc. based on the message content such as brand name 

All Sources 

Entities - Event 

AI recognised event from a message like Superbowl, Earth Day etc. 

All Sources 

Entities - Language 

AI recognised language from a message like English, Spanish etc. 

All Sources 

Entities - Organization 

AI recognized brands mentioned in a message like Sprinklr, Apple etc. 

All Sources 

Entities - Organization (Variations) 

AI recognized brand variation from a message like Sprinklr, Sprinklr Inc etc. This is based on a set of known brands which are identified in a message. 

All Sources 

Entities - Person 

AI recognized person/individuals mentioned in a message like Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi etc 

All Sources 

Entities - Product 

AI recognized product names mentioned in a message like Glass, Earring etc 

All Sources 

Insight Subject 

AI identified Subject verbatims captured from phrase insights in reviews 

All Sources 

Location Insights - Sentiment 

Phrase or insight level sentiment predicted by the Sprinklr Location Insights Model. The sentiment can be Positive, Negative or Neutral. 

All Sources 

Reputation Pillars - L1 

AI identified brand reputation pillars within a message such as Workspace Wellbeing, Sustainability etc 


Reputation Pillars - L2 

AI identified brand reputation pillars within a message like Recruitment, Inclusive Workspace etc. at a granular level below respective Reputation Pillars - L1s. 
