Standard PI Dimensions


Building Blocks


Sprinklr Products are digital representations of tangible products that clients want to report on and analyze based on feedback from customers.


The base unit of analysis within Sprinklr Listening. One mention is essentially one post or comment from a data source.

Product Insight

Insightful phrases or sentences within each mention (post or comment) which are then mapped to relevant Categories and Sub-Categories.

For example, the AI model identifies 3 insights in the mention “I love the performance, but it seems a bit pricey. However, will definitely recommend it.

Colors indicate sentiment for each insight:

  • positivegreen

  • neutralyellow

  • negativered

Standard Dimensions


Gives distribution of data by specific product SKUs. This is the actual name of the Product/ SKU available on the native websites.

Product Brand Name

Product Brand Name identifies the user-input brand that has been mapped to the product. The value stored in this field can be manually updated by the user on the Products page.

Product Insights - Brand (Product)

This is the Sprinklr AI identified value for the brand name, based on the brand name mentioned in the message (wherever available) or the user-input brand name mapped to the product.

Product Insights - Level 1 Category (Product)

Level 1 Category is the broadest attribute category identified by the Product Insights model. It can alternatively be referred to as Category.

Product Insights - Level 2 Category (Product)

This is the intermediate category identified by the Product Insights model. It can alternatively be referred to as Sub-Category.

Product Insights - Level 3 Category (Product)

Level 3 Category is the most granular attribute category identified by the Product Insights model. It can alternatively be referred to as Attribute.

Product Insights - Sentiment (Product)

Phrase or insight-level sentiment predicted by the Sprinklr Product Insights model. Every insight phrase predicted by the Sprinklr AI model has a separate sentiment attached to it. The sentiment can be Positive, Negative, or Neutral.

Product Insights Phrase

This is the insightful phrase identified by the Sprinklr Product Insights model. The model identifies insightful phrases and then maps them to categories (L1/ L2/ L3) and sentiment.

Word Cloud for Product Insights Phrase

This field returns the insightful phrases identified by the Product Insights model in the order of their importance. The importance is gauged by the frequency of occurrence of each insight phrase.

Product Insights - Engine (Product)

Sprinklr’s Product Insights is based on a system of verticalized AI models catering to a specific industry/ product segment. This field identifies the ID of the specific AI model that has been used to enrich the mentions.

Star Rating

The field provides the star rating corresponding to each individual mention in Sprinklr.


The field is used to specify the channel of origination for each mention in Sprinklr. Examples include Reviews, Twitter, Reddit, Forums, Blogs, etc.


This field identifies the top-level domain name of the URL from which the data for the product is being sourced.