Standard PI Metrics


Building Blocks


Sprinklr Products are digital representations of tangible products that clients want to report on and analyze based on feedback from customers.


The base unit of analysis within Sprinklr Listening. One mention is essentially one post or comment from a data source.

Product Insight

Insightful phrases or sentences within each mention (post or comment) which are then mapped to relevant Categories and Sub-Categories.

For example, the AI model identifies 3 insights in the mention “I love the performance, but it seems a bit pricey. However, will definitely recommend it.

Colors indicate sentiment for each insight:

  • positivegreen

  • neutralyellow

  • negativered

Standard Dimensions

Product Count

This metric gives the count of the number of Products configured on Sprinklr corresponding to a given filter configuration.


This field returns the number of mentions for a given filter configuration.

Product Insights

This field gives the number of insightful phrases corresponding to a given set of filters on a Sprinklr dashboard.

Product Insights Experience Score

This metric is also known as Experience Score and is the default metric for Product Insights. All insights powered by Product Insights are scored based on the sentiment attached to them. The sentiment is scored as follows:

  • positive100

  • neutral50

  • negative0

The score at any level of aggregation is simply the average of the experience score for all insights contained in that aggregation. 

Therefore, the formula for experience score can be taken to be:

[100*(Positive Insights) + 50*(Neutral Insights) + 0*(Negative Insights)] / [Total Insights]

For example, the AI model identifies 3 insights in the mention “I love the performance, but it seems a bit pricey. However, will definitely recommend it.”, has an experience score of [2*100 + 50*0 + 0*1] / 3 = 66.67

Star Rating (Metric)

Average star rating across all mentions pulled into Sprinklr. Please note that for some domains, Star Rating on Sprinklr might differ from the star rating available natively.

Product Star Rating

Star Rating natively available on the product page. This is a static metric that is updated once per day.

Product Insights Positive Count

Count of insights identified with positive sentiment for a given filter configuration.

Product Insights Neutral Count

Count of insights identified with neutral sentiment for a given filter configuration.

Product Insights Negative Count

Count of insights identified with negative sentiment for a given filter configuration.

Product Insights Positive Percentage

Number of positive insights identified by Sprinklr’s AI models as a proportion of the total number of insights, for a given set of filters.

Product Insights Neutral Percentage

Number of neutral insights identified by Sprinklr’s AI models as a proportion of the total number of insights, for a given set of filters.

Product Insights Negative Percentage

Number of negative insights identified by Sprinklr’s AI models as a proportion of the total number of insights, for a given set of filters.