Custom MM&A dashboards


Custom dashboards are powerful tools for data visualization that allow users to easily monitor and analyze key metrics relevant to their specific use cases. The beauty of custom dashboards lies in their flexibility, as they can be tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each user. With the ability to choose from a variety of visualization types and data sources, custom dashboards provide a versatile and efficient way to stay on top of your data and make informed decisions.

Custom dashboards can be leveraged to –

  1. Monitor the overall brand’s editorial media presence and understand the brand’s hold on media over time.

  2. Monitor specific campaigns to understand the PR impact of these campaigns' standalone.

  3. Benchmark the brand/campaign performance against that of competitors to understand what worked for you and what did not. This would also help you to further plan your PR efforts in the right direction.

  4. Monitor your executives’ presence across the editorial media drive narrative for these executive, if needed.