How to Export a Schedule


The need to communicate projections with stakeholders, incorporate capacity plans into other business systems, facilitate group decision-making, preserve historical records, and facilitate data analysis and reporting across several platforms are a couple of the reasons why exporting a planning report is a crucial function.

Prerequisites to Export a Schedule:

Sprinklr WFM should be enabled for the environment and your user should have access to Workforce Planner Persona along with Export permission under the scheduling section in the workforce management module.

Export a Schedule:

Once a schedule is created, supervisors can click on the eye icon beside the name on the Records Screen to view the schedule for agents. From the top right side, they can click on the Export icon beside the Filter button.

This pops up a modal containing a brief creation page to export the schedule. Supervisors can input a File Name, select "Excel" in format by default. They can further select the Date Range for which the schedule's export is required.

Export of First week of Schedule.

Export of Month's Schedule.

After some time, a platform notification appears from the system which contains the link to download the excel report. A zip folder is downloaded into the system from where the report can be extracted.