Sprinklr CTI in Salesforce


The new version of the Salesforce connector (V3) by Sprinklr introduces enhanced capabilities for agents working within Salesforce's Service Cloud. With this update, agents can now utilize Sprinklr voice directly within Salesforce, eliminating the need for switching between different platforms and providing them with a unified agent desktop experience. The embedded Sprinklr component within Salesforce offers AI-driven features such as Smart Assist, Agent Assist, and Guided workflows, contributing to faster issue resolution.

Please work with your Success Manager to learn more about enabling this capability in your environment.

Here are some key functionalities that agents can benefit from when using the Sprinklr embedded widget in Salesforce:

1. Availability Status: Agents can change their availability status directly from the Sprinklr widget in Salesforce. By marking themselves as available, agents will receive alerts when inbound calls are assigned, ensuring they promptly get alerted to customer inquiries.

2. After Call Work: After completing a call with a customer and understanding their requests or queries, agents can perform After Call Work within the Sprinklr widget in Salesforce. They can fill out necessary information or submit relevant details related to the call, streamlining post-call processes.


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3. Outbound Calls: If agents need to follow up with customers or resolve queries at a later time, they can make outbound calls directly from Salesforce using the Sprinklr widget. The widget provides options to hold or mute calls as necessary, giving agents flexibility during customer interactions.


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4. Automatic Case Logging: While agents are attending to customer calls, Sprinklr automatically logs all case assignments and transcripts into the corresponding Salesforce case. Additionally, the call recordings are also added to the Salesforce case, allowing agents to download and reference them for future purposes.

5. Sprinklr Smart Assist and Agent Assist: Agents can leverage the power of Sprinklr's AI capabilities, specifically Smart Assist and Agent Assist, within Salesforce. These features provide intelligent guidance and recommendations to agents, assisting them in delivering the best possible support to customers


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Overall, the integration of Sprinklr's enhanced Salesforce connector (V3) brings together the benefits of both platforms, enabling agents to seamlessly handle customer interactions, access AI-driven features, and streamline their workflows within a single interface.