Why Sprinklr - Salesforce Integration?


In today's digital landscape, customer service has become increasingly complex due to the rise of social media as a platform for customer interactions. While CRM systems like Salesforce hold vital customer data that drives business results, the challenge lies in bridging the gap between CRM data and social customer interactions. Failing to provide immediate assistance on social platforms can negatively impact customer relationships.

To overcome this challenge, integrating Sprinklr with Salesforce offers a solution. By bringing together these two platforms, customer service operations can be unified, enabling a seamless connection between accounts, contacts, cases, and response processes within Sprinklr. This integration enriches social data with crucial business context, allowing companies using Sprinklr to create or import Salesforce cases and associate them with social conversations. Additionally, contacts can be created or imported directly within the Sprinklr platform.

The consolidation of support and contact management in one place streamlines operations and enhances customer conversations. It eliminates the need for agents to switch between multiple platforms, reducing training time and minimizing the inefficiency known as the "swivel chair" problem. Agents who are already trained in Salesforce can remain within the familiar Salesforce environment while engaging with customers and resolving cases through the natively embedded lightning-compatible Sprinklr console in Salesforce.

By seamlessly integrating Salesforce and Sprinklr, companies can achieve fast, personalized, and seamless customer engagement. Agents can access relevant CRM data within the Sprinklr platform, ensuring they have the necessary context to provide timely and effective support. This integration ultimately enhances overall customer satisfaction by meeting the expectation for immediate assistance on social media while leveraging the power of CRM data.

A sample case study