Enable Tags for Distributed Users - Profile, Case, and Message


As a brand admin, you can now make profile tagging available within the Distributed environment. As a result, the distributed users will be able to see profile tags next to the profile name in the same way as in the Space UI.

To Enable Profile, Case, and Message Tags for Distributed Users

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Governance Console, click All Settings within Platform Setup.

  2. Search Distributed Control Panel and select it.

  3. Click New Configuration in the top right corner. Or edit an existing configuration by selecting the Edit option.
    The details you mention on this page are Basic Details

  4. Mention the Name in the given field. 

  5. Write a Description in the given field. Though it is not mandatory to write a description, it will, however, help you understand the purpose of this particular configuration. 

  6. Select user groups in the User Groups field. You can select one or multiple, based on your preferences. 

  7. Select the Languages the users can operate in. 

  8. Select the Allowed Channels for the distributed users.

  9. Click Save in the bottom right corner.
    Move to the App Properties tab. 

  10. Check or uncheck the Enable Profile, Case and Message tags checkbox based on your preference. 

  11. Click Save in the bottom right corner.