Create and Use Profile Tags


Profile tagging allows you to place a visual indicator next to the social media account in the Sprinklr platform. These visual cues act as an attribute of the social media account and let you quickly identify the type of profile at a glance. With a quick view, you will be able to tell who your tagged profiles are and whether they are key influencers, competitors, or potential customers.

For example, as a sports event management organization, you may have a list of athletes’ accounts in the Sprinklr platform but you are unable to differentiate between the type of sports event they compete in. If you want to identify which sports the athlete plays, you can set up a tagging action with the desired image that gets automatically appended to the account based on the criteria and value you select.

It is recommended to select an image that is relevant to the profile and as per the classification you want to have in the Sprinklr platform. This allows you and the other users to quickly identify whether the athlete competes in swimming, track and field, or a cyclist event.

You can create profile tagging in both the Customer and Workspace level.


On the Engagement dashboards, you can only view a maximum of two Profile Tags related to the profile. However, you can view all the Profile Tags related to the profile in the open details window.

Steps To Create a New Profile Tag

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png and select Settings under the Sprinklr Social.

  2. On the Platform Settings window, click Manage Customer or Manage Workspace to add tags to either a customer profile or a workspace profile respectively. 

  3. Search and select Tagging from the list of options. 

  4. On the top-right corner of the Tagging window, click Add Tag.

  5. On the Create a Tag window, click Profile Tag under Select Tag Type.  

  6. Fill in the required details. For more information see Create a Tag — Field Descriptions.

  7. Click Save to confirm your tag.

Create a Tag — Field Descriptions



Tag Name

Enter a name for the tag. This text will appear when you hover over the visual indicator in the Engagement Dashboard.

Tag Icon

Click the upload icon and select an image from the Asset Manager. You can also browse for the image on your system or enter the image URL. This is the visual indicator that helps you to identify the Profile at a glance.

Rule Name

Enter a unique rule name.


Select a criteria from the available options.


Select a value from the available options.

Add another criteria

Click this field to add multiple custom fields to your profile tags.