Tag a Profile in the Engagement Dashboard


Profile tagging allows you to place a visual indicator next to the social media account in the Sprinklr platform. These visual cues act as an attribute of the social media account and let you quickly identify the type of profile at a glance. With a quick view, you will be able to tell who your tagged profiles are and whether they are key influencers, competitors, or potential customers. In this article, we have covered steps to tag a profile in the engagement dashboard.

Steps to Tag a Profile in the Engagement Dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png and Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage. 

  2. Search and select your dashboard.

  3. On the Engagement dashboard, click the Options icon   in the bottom right corner of the desired message and select Open Details.

  4. On the top of the right pane, click the Profile tab next to Message tab.

  5. Click the Edit Properties icon Space_Icon_Edit.pngbeside Properties and select the custom field you want to associate with the profile. Based on the selected custom field and the rule set in To Create a New Profile Tag , a visual indicator is placed next to the profile.
    Editing profile properties

  6. Click Profile Tag under Custom Properties and select the tags from the list of options.

  7. Click Save to confirm the changes.

Note: After saving the edited properties for profile tab you will see the tag icon next to the profile name. In the screenshot below, you can see that the profile tag created for tagging an Industry Influencer appears beside the profile as a visual indicator.

Tag icon shown next to profile name