Conditions applicable with queue rules


Queue Rules allow you to apply actions to messages and profiles when they enter a Queue (or according to the Rule's Trigger). Queue Rules are run on messages at the time that a message enters a Queue. Queue rules necessarily require a trigger to run. They can be run via automatic triggers or can be executed using macros as well. Below, is a list of the Queue Rule Condition types and the specific sub-conditions within those condition types.

The source of the message:

The Source of the Message Conditions are conditions applicable to the source of the message, or where the message is being brought in from.




Select a social channel or channels (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.) as the social network from which the message originates.


Select a specific account that the message has been posted to. You can select multiple accounts or Account Groups as well.

Message Type

Refers to the channel-specific type of message, like a Facebook Post, Twitter Retweet, Google+ Comment, etc. You can also choose between 'Sprinklr Voice Bot Transcript' for automated bot-to-customer conversations and 'Sprinklr Voice Transcript' for agent-involved customer conversations when managing voice interactions in Sprinklr.

Message Subtype

Message Subtype refers to a specified content type, like a Form, Reel, Survey, or Article.

Persistent Searches

Here, you can select a Persistent Search configuration from the existing Monitoring Dashboard Persistent Searches.

Business Hours

Select from saved Business Hours configurations

Account Owner

Select from Users or User Groups to set criteria for the owner of the Account the message is associated with.

Partner Queue

The Partner Level Queues that have been set up.

Client Queue

The Client Level Queues that have been set up.

The properties of the message:

The Properties of the Message Conditions are conditions applicable to the message itself and its properties.




Set specific words that the message contains, separating entries using OR; the text condition is used for an exact match on all entries.


Refers to the title or subject of the message where applicable.


Select from existing tag configurations**.


Enter hashtags as criteria for the message.


Select a Spam setting to apply to messages that have been marked as Spam or messages not marked as Spam as the criteria for this condition.


This condition checks the country the message was sent from.

Is Mention on External Source

Refers to an @-mention of a brand account on a non-owned Facebook page.

Conversation Initiated By

Select Fan or Brand to set criteria for whether the message is part of a conversation started by a brand post or by a fan post.


Select specific languages that the message should be written in for the condition to be met.


Choose a sentiment or sentiments applied to the message.


Select a message Status from existing Statuses.


Select from message Priorities to set priority criteria for inbound messages.

Is Message Archived

Set an archived status for the message to meet in order to satisfy the condition.

Message Content

Select from available message content types, like Media Only, Fan Mention Only, Fan Mention With Text, Quoted Tweet, Contains Any Media, Emoji Only and Emoji with text to check for the type of content a message contains.

Is Message Added After Account Added in Sprinklr

This condition checks to see if an inbound message was brought into Sprinklr after the correlating account was added to Sprinklr.

Geo-Target Country

This condition checks the targeting properties of the message if the message was geo-targeting specific countries.

Post Type

This condition applies to the inbound message type, like Facebook Post, Twitter Reply, etc.

Assignment Present

Checks if the message has been assigned to a user.

Is Sponsored Post

This condition will check if the message is a sponsored post.

Message has Link

This condition checks if the message contains a link.

Published Status

Checks if the message is published or unpublished.

Message Creation Time is Before/After

Set the date and time to set a condition for message creation time.

Duration between Message Creation Time and Rule Execution Time

Can be used to check if the time period between the message creation time and Rule execution time is greater than or less than a set period of time.

Brand Has Participated in Message Conversation

This condition will check if the message is part of a conversation that the brand account has participated in.

Advocate Has Participated in Message Conversation

Refers to the messages on which the advocate has participated.

Message Has Conversation

Refers to whether the message is a part of the conversation.

Is Brand Mention

Checks if the fan has mentioned the brand account.

Custom Properties

You can select a keyword list that the message contains or doesn't contain.

Message Keywords

You can select a keyword list that the message contains or doesn't contain.

Message Eligible for Direct Assignment

Set the availability status. This condition is used in combination with Direct Assign to Preferred agent action.

Global Custom Properties

Refers to the Global Level Inbound Message Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Workspace Custom Properties

Refers to the Workspace Level Inbound Message Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Is Live Video

Identifies the Live Videos published on Facebook.

Is Promotable

To identify promoted tweets.

Topic Theme

To identify topic themes present in an inbound message.

Theme Tag

To identify the theme tags present in an inbound message.

Referral Ad ID

To identify the referral ad ID present in an inbound message.

Channel Metadata

To update the metadata and tags in a YouTube Video.

Channel Privacy

To filter out Unlisted videos from YouTube when fetching them through inbound rules.

Check For Duplicate Message created

To identify exact duplicate inbound public and private messages on a specific Twitter account in the last x duration.

First Message In Chat Conversation

To identify the first message in a live chat conversation.

Dark Post

To identify the dark posts in an inbound message.

Is Promotable Post Conversation

Refers to all the Promotable Posts along with the comments and replies related to a Promotable post.

Is Dark Post Conversation

Refers to all the Dark Posts along with the comments and replies related to a Dark post.

Is Sponsored Post Conversation

Refers to all the Sponsored Posts along with the comments and replies related to a Sponsored post.

The Profile of the message sender:

The Profile of the Message Sender Conditions are conditions applicable to the message Sender’s Profile.



Profile Verified

Refers whether the profile is verified or not.


Refers to the name of the sender.

Followers Count

Refers to the number of followers the sender has on the account.


Refers to the specific words or phrases in the sender’s biography.

Influence Index Score

Refers to the numeric value of the Influence Index.

Spam Index Score

Refers to the numeric value of the Spam Index.


Refers to the descriptive terms (tags) associated with the message; these can be created ad-hoc or within Custom Fields.

Client Profile List

Refers to the Workspace level profile lists that have been set up.

Partner Profile List

Refers to the Global level profile lists that have been set up.

Sender Age

Refers to the senders' age.

Sender Gender

Refers to the senders' gender is male or female.

Sender Locale

Refers to the selection of languages.

Client Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties set up in Global Level Custom Fields.

Partner Profile Properties

Refers to the profile properties set up in Workspace Level Custom Fields.

Channel Custom Properties

Refers to the custom properties set up for Facebook.

Contact Email Address

Email address of the message sender.

Check For Duplicate Message created

To identify exact duplicate inbound public and private messages on a specific Twitter account in last x duration.

The profile of the message receiver:

The Profile of the Message Receiver Conditions are conditions applicable to the message Receiver’s Profile.



Client Profile List

Refers to Workspaces profile lists.

Partner Profile List

Refers to Global profile lists.

Message related to brand posts:

Message Related to Brand Posts Conditions are conditions applicable to the post made by the brand. 



Post Tag

Refers to the tags on the post.

Post Campaign

Refers to the Campaign the post is associated with as set up within the Campaign tab.

Geo. Country Target

Refers to the country the post is geo-targeting.

SAM Asset Used

Refers to the assets used in the post.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Global Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

Client Custom Fields

Refers to the Workspace Level Custom Fields. (See Custom Fields).

The cases attached to the messages:

The Cases Attached to the Messages Conditions are conditions applicable to the messages received on the posts made by the brand.



Profile have associated Case with

Refers to the profile if it has an associated Case in the account selected.

Does receiver profile have associated case with

Refers to the receiver profile if it has an associated Case.

Does the message already have an associated case from any account

Refers to the message if it already has an associated case.

Does any message in the conversation have a case associated to it

Refers to any message in the conversation if it has a Case associated with it.

Does message’s' parent message have a case associated to it

Refers to the message's parent message if it has a Case associated with it.

Does the message already have an associated case 

Refers to whether the message has already been associated with a Case.

Does the Profile have case associated in the conversation

Refers to whether the profile has a Case associated within the conversation.

Does any message in the conversation have a case associated to it

Refers to whether any message in the conversation thread has a Case associated with it.

Does Receiver Profile have associated case which matches this Custom fields

Refers to whether the messages that you send to your customer have an associated case based on the tagged custom field value.


Refers to the specific words or phrases in the message.

Due Date

Refers to the date the Case is due to be dealt with.

#days since the last profile-case association

Refers to the number of days since the last time the profile was associated with a Case.

Case Queues

Refers to the Case Queue the message is or is not in.


Refers to the user assigned to the Case.

Case Created From Profile List

Refers to the Case created from the profile list.

Is Archived

Refers to whether the message has been marked as archived.

Associated Fan Messages Count

Refers to the associated fan message count.

Associated Brand Messages Count

Refers to the associated brand message count.

Associated Fan-Brand Messages Count

Refers to the associated fan-brand message count.

Last Fan Interaction Duration

Refers to the last fan interaction duration.

Last Brand Interaction Duration

Refers to the last brand interaction duration.

Last Interaction Duration

Refers to the last interaction duration.

Has Associated CRM Profile

Refers to whether the account has an associated CRM profile.

Fan Messages Count Since Last Brand Response

Refers to fan messages count since the last brand response.

Partner Custom Fields

Refers to the Global Level Custom Fields.

Client Custom Fields

Refers to the Workspace Level Custom Fields.

Volumetric Conditions

Volumetric Conditions set a specific timeline and volume criteria for Rule conditions. The number of messages sent within a set time period must be met in order for the condition to be considered satisfied.

To set volumetric criteria, when creating or editing a Rule condition, select Volumetric Condition checkbox. Set duration for the Volumetric condition in hours.

Next set a volume of messages as a number. If the number of messages that meet the condition matches the volume you've set in the selected duration, the condition will be satisfied.