Quora as a Listening source


By adding Quora as a Listening source, you can listen to and learn from Quora data in real-time.

Quora is a question-and-answer platform that allows users to ask and answer questions about anything. It has a community of over 150 million people actively participating in discussions.


Sprinklr supports Quora as one of its multiple Listening sources. Quora is one of the leading question-and-answer sites. Available as a firehose stream, Quora integration will enable the research community to leverage in-depth, expertly written content on a wide variety of companies, issues, and products via a comprehensive, continuously updated set of data streams.

Quora's rich content metadata containing questions, answers, comments, engagement, and viewership info, and author-level metadata coupled with compliance events will enable users to get maximum output from this newly integrated listening source.

Quora in Sprinklr Insights as a source offers –

  • Entire Historical data after 2009 along with Backfill capabilities.

  • Firehose Stream – Real-time access to entire Content (questions, answers, comments), Engagement (viewership, comments & share count, upvote score), Compliance, Topics, and Author Streams.

Quora source capabilities

  • Source: Quora

  • Source of data: Full Firehose. All public question, answer and comments are available

  • Coverage: Both Public & Private owned accounts data are available

  • Latency: Near real-time

  • Historical data: After 2009

  • Backfill support: Yes

  • Engagement stats refresh rate: Refreshed every 2 hours only for 7 days.

  • Author/ Profile metadata details

    • Earned – Yes

      • Id, User Name, Profile Image URL, Userbio, description, reach count, follower count, author location

      • Profile URL is not available

      • Location metadata, only if mentioned

      • Other metadata present on native are not supported in the API

    • Owned – Yes

  • AI-enriched data: Sentiment, Emotions, Language, Word cloud, Topic Cluster, Age (profile), Gender (profile), Smart Themes Clustering, Smart Insights

  • Message type: Quora Question, Quora answer, Quora comment 

  • Media type: Question, Comment, Link, Answer

Quora data entities in Social Listening

Below are the Quora-specific data entities –

Data Entities



Quora Topics


Quora Topics are the topics associated with a Quora question.

Quora Question

Widget Filter

Quora Question is a message type for Quora mentions. 

Select Message Type Containing/ Not Containing Quora Question in widget level filters to Include/Exclude Quora questions.

Quora Answer

Widget Filter

Question Answer is a message type for Quora mentions. 

Select Message Type Containing/ Not Containing Quora Answer in widget level filters to Include/Exclude Quora answers

Quora Comment

Widget Filter

Question Comment is a message type for Quora mentions. 

Select Message Type containing/not containing Quora Answer in widget level filters to Include/Exclude Quora answers.

Quora Answer Count


The total number of answers to a Quora question.

Post Follower's Count


The total number of followers of a Quora Question.

Note: The metric is not applicable for Quora Answers or Comments.

Below are the Quora supported Engagement stats –

Data Entities





A measure of the size of the potential audience of a message (followers count)

Earned Engagement


Earned Engagement = View count + Comment count + Net vote + Share count

View count


The number of views on a Quora Question or Answer. 

Note: The number of views is not applicable for Quora Comments.

Distinct Users


Number of distinct users.

Note: This is only applicable for Quora Answers and Quora Comments.

Comments Count


The total number of comments on a Quora answer. 

Note: The metric is not applicable for Quora Questions or Comments.

Reach Count


Reach Count shows a bucketed view of the potential audience of a message i.e. the Reach of the message. It is measured as the follower count of the author at the time of posting.

Share Count


The total number of shares of a Quora answer. 

Note: The metric is not applicable for Quora Questions or Comments.

Net Vote Count


Count of upvotes on a Quora Question, Answer, and/or a Comment.

To fetch data from Quora

At Sprinklr, you can listen from Quora in two different routes –

​Fetching via Keyword Query route 

  • In order to fetch data from Quora, you need to create a topic with Quora as its source.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab, and select Quora as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source: Quora from the Dashboard/ Widget filter.

Domain-based Topic

  • In order to fetch data from Quora, you need to create a Domain-based Topic with Quora as its source.

  • You can add the domains/domain list in the Setup Profile section of Topic builder.

  • While creating or editing your topic, click the Apply Filters tab, and select Quora as one of the Social Channels.

  • You can also select Source: Quora from the Dashboard/ Widget filter.


  • Profile-level Engagement Stats are not available.

  • Profile Posts are not supported; Only Questions, Answers, and Comments are supported.

  • Any Author Level, Location level metadata is not available for Quora Questions message type

  • For quora questions we get post followers count, quora answer & view count.

  • Gender is AI enriched and may not be 100% accurate.

  • SenderProfileLink is not provided by Quora API (valid for every player in market).

  • Distinct user is not accurate as we do not get Author data for Quora Questions.

  • Location metadata is available if Author has mentioned it in author level description and is available only for Comments and Answers.

To backfill data from Quora

  • Once the topic is created/ updated, you can backfill the topic going far back to 2009.

  • To know more about how to backfill data, refer to – Listening Backfill for Topics.

Support for Quora compliance events

  • As a part of the compliance stream, if any question, answer, or comment is deleted from the native Quora Platform, then the deleted data will be removed from the partner databases as well.

  • Everyday Quora merges many questions and removes answers or comments, as a result of which mentions count may vary for a particular duration.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if the author has mentioned in author level description.

If questions, answers or comments are deleted from native, then they’re also deleted from Sprinklr to comply with Quora policies.

If the data is present in our hulk database, then we can backfill it but not generally.

Engagement stats are updated within 2 hours, for 7 days.

Yes, we can listen to Quora through URLs and domain-based listening. We do not require SV as we have the Firehose API of Quora.

Sprinklr fetches the engagement data from disabled comments also even when it is not showing on native.

The net count of answers for a question is quora answer count and yes it also includes collapsed answers.

Message type = Quora answers shows mentions which are only Quora answers and Quora answer count is with respect to questions engagement stats.

Yes, by using "NOT inUrl" operator. Below is the example –

"https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/q9t4mc/daily_discussion/" NOT inUrl: hgz0cgj.

The above search query will exclude the results whose url includes the term "hgz0cgj".

Enablement note: To learn more about getting this operator enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Yes. From Sprinklr, you can engage with the user post by double clicking on the conversation stream which further opens a panel for replying, assigning the post to another user or assigning the post to a particular macro.