Default Date Filter on Different Reports


Date Filters are present at the widget level and help you sort the data according to the metric/dimension added in the date filter. It means that cases will populate according to that date filter.

For example, if the case count is plotted with the date filter added in the widget as Case Creation Time and the dashboard duration filter is last 30 days, so count of those cases will populate which were created in the last 30 days.

Example 1


Widget 1: (Date Filter: Case Creation Time) - Case Count X Status (case)

Widget 2: (Date Filter: Case Modification Time) - Case Count X Status (case)

Date Filter added is Case Creation Time

Date Filter added is Case Modification Time

Dashboard duration added is Nov 1

Dashboard duration added is Nov 1

It shows 58.3k cases with status (case) as new

It shows 72.9k cases with status (case) as new

This shows the number of cases that were created on 1 Nov and their status (case) value as the date filter added is case creation time so case creation time = duration set in the dashboard

This shows the number of cases that were modified and marked as new on 1 Nov as the date filter added is case modification time so case modification time will be as per the duration set in the dashboard level filter

Note: If you don't add any date filter in the widget, it will work on the default date filter for this report, which is case creation time and the data will populate according to that.

Example 2


Widget 1: (Date Filter: Case Creation Time) - Case macro usage count X Macro

Widget 2: (Date Filter: Case Macro Apply Time) - Case macro usage count X Macro

Date Filter added is Case Creation Time

Date Filter added is Case Macro Apply Time

Dashboard duration added is Nov 1

Dashboard duration added is Nov 1

Shows the number of cases which were created on Nov 1 but macro applied closed - anytime irrespective of the dashboard duration set

Shows the number of cases where macro containing closed was applied on Nov 1 as set in dashboard filter because date filter added was case macro apply time

This is because widget works on date filter added and here case creation time of cases = duration set in dashboard (1 Nov in this case)

This is because widget works on date filter added and here case macro apply time of cases = duration set in dashboard (1 Nov in this case)

To apply Date Filter in a reporting widget

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Care Reporting within Analyze.

  2. You can find the existing dashboards here.

  3. On the selected dashboard, click Add Widget in the top right corner.

  4. Create a widget and within the What would you like to plot on your widget section, select the desired dimensions and metrics to view the reporting.

  5. Now, scroll down to the Date Filter section at the bottom left.

  6. Select the Date Filter as per the requirement and update the widget. Different Date Filters are available for a metric. The available date filter usually indicates the different instances (point of time) a snapshot of that data was saved in the backend.

    For example - Case Count has two date filters available - Case Creation Interval and Associated Message Creation Time. Case Creation Interval is the time when a case was created within Sprinklr, while Associated Message Creation Time is the time when the associated message (on which the case was created) was created within Sprinklr.

  7. Click Add to Dashboard in the bottom right corner to add your widget to the dashboard.

  8. Once a widget is added, you can view the date filters applied at the widget level in both enterprise and persona reporting. Once a widget is locked, the date filters become visible when hovering over the filter icon at the widget level.

    This enhancement provides users and brands with clear insight into the date filters used in their reports, helping them better understand the context of the data being displayed.

Points to Remember

  • If you apply the Ignore all dashboard filters option in a widget, it ignores all the dashboard level filters present in the filter icon, but not the Date Range selected on the dashboard. You have to do it from the main page by clicking the Data Range appearing at the middle top of the page.

  • Always check for the Date Filter in the widget to avoid numbers mismatch.

    For example, the Case Count with Status (case) Closed will work on the case creation time as default date filter. However, when the Unique Case Macro Usage Count with Macro filter as Closed is plotted, it will by default work on date filter as macro apply time and hence, the number of cases closed and the cases on which the closed macro was applied will not match. So, check for the Date Filters before validating the data from 2 different widgets.

List of Default Date Filters

Use Case


Use With Dimention

Available Date Filters

Default Date Filter

Case Count

Case Count

Case CF such as Status, Priority, All Engaged Users (case), Last Engaged User etc

Case Creation Interval, Case Creation Time, Case Modification Time

Case Creation Time

Handle Time

Case Processing SLA

Agent | Case


Date (Works on Case Processing Clock Start Time)

First Response Time

Case first Brand Response SLA/ Case First User Response SLA

Brand Response by User, Case

Date, ActionTime(Group by)

Case Creation Time

Response Time

Case Brand Response SLA/Case User Response SLA

Brand Response by User, Case

Date, ActionTime(Group by)

Case Creation Time

Time Spent by a Case in Queue

Case Queue SLA

Case, Case Queue

Date, ActionTime(Group by)

Case Creation Time

Time Take to apply macro from case Creation

Case Macro SLA

Agent, Case

Date, Macro Apply time

Macro Apply Time

Time Spent in different Status

Time in Status

Agent, Availablity Status

Date, Status Assign Time, Status Remove Time

Date (Works on Status Change Time)

Time Spent in Login

Time in Login Status

Agent, Login Status = Logged in

Date, Status Assign Time, Status Login Remove Time

Date (Works on Status Change Time)

Number of Response by a User

Count (Case SLA)

Brand Response by User, Case

Filter: Action Type- Brand Response & Ignore Multiple Queue Records = True

Date, ActionTime(Group by)

Case Creation Time

Total Macro Usage Count

Case Macro Usage Count

Agent | Case

Date, Macro Apply Time

Macro Apply Time

Count of Unique Cases on which Macro is applied.

Unique Case Macro Usage Count

Agent | Case

Date, Macro Apply Time

Macro Apply Time

Cases Handled by Agent

(Note: Definintion Varies Customer to Customer)

Case Count

All Engaged User (Case), Case CF

Case Creation Interval, Case Creation Time

Case Creation Time

Current Assignment of Agent

Case Count

Assigned to User, Case CF

Live Metric

Case Creation Time

Survey Response Count

Survey Response Count

Survey, Survey Customer, Survey Answer, Survey Channel

Survey Response Date, Survey Sent Date

Survey Response Date

Survey Sent Count

Survey Sent Count

Survey, Survey Customer, Survey Answer, Survey Channel

Survey Response Date, Survey Sent Date

Survey Sent Date