Reporting on Surveys


How you can leverage Care reporting to analyze and organize the main findings of your customer care surveys and identify key areas of improvement. With reporting, you can measure customer satisfaction and provide actionable insights for business development.

Sprinklr supports reporting for customer care surveys. You can build widgets using survey-specific metrics and dimensions that let you configure your view of customer feedback data. You can also access the Widget Library to easily customize and add the survey widget templates to your Reporting Dashboard.

To configure Reporting widgets for Customer Care Surveys

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Service tab, click Care Reporting within Analyze.

  2. You can find the existing dashboards from the Dashboard Menu.

  3. On the selected Dashboard, click Add Widget in the top right corner.

  4. Enter a Widget Name and select Audience Activity or Social Analytics as the Data Source.

  5. Select a Visualization for your widget from the available visualization types.

  6. Next, within the What would you like to plot on your widget section, select the desired dimensions and metrics for which you want to view the reporting.

  7. Click Add to Dashboard in the bottom right corner to add your widget to the dashboard.

Survey Dimensions — Description


Surveys sent to the customer.

Survey Message

The message associated with the surveys.

Survey Channel

The channel through which the surveys were sent.

Survey Customer Channel

The channel through customers filled the surveys.

Survey Question

Specific questions of a survey.

If you want to view the combined survey response count of all the languages for multi-language surveys, please work with your Success Manager.

The survey question dimension will have the suffix 'Base Language'.

Survey Answer Count

The response given for a survey question.

Survey Customer

The surveys sent to customers.

Survey Response Time

The timestamp of when a survey was responded to.

Survey Sent Time

The timestamp of when a survey was sent.

Survey Response ID

The unique ID of survey response.

Survey Status

The status of a survey.

Survey Opened - Survey link clicked to open survey.

Survey Filled - Survey submitted or minimum one question was filled (in case of auto save).

Survey Opted Out - Trigger the rule when a user chooses to opt-out from the survey.

This allows you to know the reason behind opting out of the survey and take actions on those cases.

Survey Sending Failed - Survey failed due to any reason. Survey sent privately but could not be sent due to user's profile settings.

Survey Not Filled by Customer - Survey not even opened by the customers. Note that in the following scenarios, a survey will will be counted as Survey Not Filled by Customer even after submission.

1) A different user gets access to the same survey link in an unethical way and fills the survey. Now the user (to whom the survey was sent) opens the survey link and does not answer any question.

2) The same user after completing the survey opens the survey link again and does not answer any question.

Survey URL

The URL of a survey.

Survey First Brand Interaction Date

The first brand interaction date for a survey.

Survey Last Brand Interaction Date

The last brand interaction date for a survey.

Survey First Brand Interaction Time

The first brand interaction time for a survey.

Survey Last Brand Interaction Time

The last brand interaction time for a survey.

Survey First Fan Interaction Date

The first fan interaction date for a survey.

Survey Last Fan Interaction Date

The last fan interaction date for a survey.

Survey First Fan Interaction Time

The first fan interaction time for a survey.

Survey Last Fan Interaction Time

The last fan interaction time for a survey.

Survey Last Brand Associated Message

The last brand message associated with a survey.

Survey Last Fan Associated Message

The last fan message associated with a survey.

Sent Survey Response Date

Date of the response on the sent surveys. 

Sent Survey Response Time

Time of the response on the sent surveys.

Survey Case Start Sentiment

The initial sentiment of the survey case.

Survey Case End Sentiment

The final sentiment of the survey case.

Survey Case Account

The case account associated with surveys.

Survey Language

The language of the sent surveys.

Survey Channel 

The channel through which the surveys were sent.

Public Survey

If the surveys is triggered on a public message or not. 

Survey Sent Date

Sent date of the surveys sent to customers.

Survey Response Date

The response date for the surveys.

Survey Customer Profile

The profile of the customer who fills the surveys.

Survey Customer Handle

The handle of the customer who fills the surveys.

Survey Answer

Answer filled by the customer to the surveys.

Survey Triggered on Channel

This stores the list of channels where the survey was sent. To get this dimension enabled, please work with your Success Manager.

Survey Metrics — Description

Survey Bounce Rate

The rate of unfilled surveys as a percentage of total surveys sent.

Survey Customer

The surveys sent to customers.

Survey Case Account

The case account associated with surveys.

Survey Click Rate

The click rate of the sent surveys.

Survey Clicked Count

The number of surveys that are clicked by customers. 

Survey Completed Count

The number of surveys that are completed by customers.

Note that in the following scenarios, a survey will not be counted under Survey Completed Count even after submission.

1) A different user gets access to the same survey link in an unethical way and fills the survey. Now the user (to whom the survey was sent) opens the survey link and does not answer any question.

2) The same user after completing the survey opens the survey link again and does not answer any question.

In the above scenarios, the survey will be counted as Survey Not Filled by Customer.

Survey Sent Count

The count of the sent surveys to the customer.

Survey Failed to Sent Count

The number of surveys which are failed while sending to customers.

Survey Response Count

The number of surveys responded by the users.

Survey Case Total Message Count

The number of cases associated to survey messages.

Survey Case Brand Message Count

The number of cases for brand survey messages.

Survey Instance Total Message Count

The number of Instances associated to all the survey messages.

Survey Instance Brand Message Count

The number of Instances associated to the brand survey messages.

Survey Question Case Brand Message Count

The number of brand questions associated to the survey messages.

Survey Question Case Total Message Count

The number of brand questions associated to all the survey messages.

Survey Question Response Count

The number of responses for survey questions.

Survey Case Fan Message Count

The number of fan cases associated to a survey.

Survey Instance Fan Message Count

The number of fan instances associated to surveys.

Survey Instance Engaged User Count

The number of instances user is engaged to surveys.

Survey Question Case Fan Message Count

The number of fan questions associated to the surveys.

Survey Answer

Answer filled by the customer to the surveys.

Survey Response Rate

Rate of the response to the surveys.

Survey Not Clicked Count

The number of not clicked surveys.

Survey Not Completed Count

The number of not completed surveys.

Survey Opt Out Count

The number of opt-out surveys.

Survey Question Engaged User Count

The number of questions engaged by the user to the surveys.

Agent Survey Response Rate

Response rate for the surveys sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Sent Count

Number of surveys sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Response Count

Number of responded surveys sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Instance Total Message Count

The number of Instances associated to all the survey messages sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Instance Brand Message Count

The number of Instances associated to all the survey brand messages sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Instance Fan Message Count

The number of Instances associated with survey fan messages sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Instance Engaged User Count

The number of instances the user is engaged to a survey sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Bounce Rate

Bounce rate of the surveys sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Response Rate 

Response rate of the surveys sent by an agent.

Agent Survey Click Count

Number of sent surveys by an agent that are clicked.

Agent Survey Not Clicked Count

Number of sent surveys by an agent that are not clicked.

Agent Survey Opt Out Count

Number of sent surveys by an agent that are opted-out.

Agent Survey Completed Count

Number of surveys sent by an agent that are completed.

Agent Survey Not Completed Count

Number of surveys sent by an agent that are not completed.

Agent Survey Failed to Sent Count

Number of surveys that failed to send.