Reporting on Agent Nudges


Agent Nudges reporting delivers a concise and insightful analysis of the efficacy and usage patterns of nudges by agents, allowing stakeholders to discern trends, make informed decisions, and optimize the use of nudges within the system.

Reporting on Agent Nudges

Create a reporting widget that incorporates the Alert Rule Name, Nudge Theme, and Alert Case Number dimensions alongside the Message Count metric. This setup facilitates the visualization of the Nudge Name and its associated theme, the corresponding Case Number where it was triggered, and the message count for occurrences of the nudge. This comprehensive widget provides insights into the effectiveness and occurrence patterns of nudges.

Reporting on Button Actions

Extend the reporting widget further by including the Nudge Event Type, User, Date, and Case Number dimensions, with the Event Count metric. This enhancement allows for a detailed analysis of the frequency of clicks on specific nudge button types, discerning the agents involved and the associated case numbers. The comprehensive widget offer valuable insights into user interactions with distinct nudge buttons.