Scheduled Export Deactivation Owner and Reminder Emails


User inactivation can occur due to compliance requirements from the platform, such as not logging in for a certain number of days, or it can be triggered by an admin.

If the user who set up the scheduled exports becomes inactive, the exports get disabled without any notification.

To ensure the continuity of scheduled exports without disruption in case of user inactivation, reminder emails can be sent to the current owner and recipients of the scheduled exports.

Enablement note:

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Using reminder emails, you can take the following actions:

  1. Update the Owner of the Scheduled Export: Inform the current owner and recipients of the scheduled exports to update the owner. This enhancement allows you to change the ownership of the export to another active user, ensuring continuity.

  2. Request the Owner to Log In to the Platform: Encourage the owner to log back into the platform to maintain their active status. This will prevent the scheduled exports from being disabled due to inactivity.

  3. Set Up a New Export with the Same Configuration: If the current owner cannot log in or you prefer a more proactive approach, set up a new scheduled export with the same configuration as the original. This ensures that the exports continue as planned without relying on the inactive user.

By taking these steps, you can prevent disruptions and maintain the seamless operation of your scheduled exports.

Frequency of Emails

The frequency of these emails for the owner and recipients are outlined below:

  • 1 email each at 15 days, 7 days, 5 days, 3 days and 1 day before user deactivation.

  • If the scheduled export frequency is hourly or less, the email will only be triggered once.