Create Scheduled Exports to keep your team informed


Use Sprinklr's Scheduled Exports to set up automated exports of your Listening and other reporting dashboards.

Sprinklr’s Scheduled Exports allows you to set up automated as well as customizable exports of your Listening, Benchmarking, and other reporting dashboards to keep your team informed. You can easily customize your export by selecting the file format, layout, and scheduling details. The supported file formats are PDF, Excel, PNG, PPT, HTML+, and CSV. You can use Scheduled Exports to keep your team aligned and communicate objectives more efficiently.

The most important features included in Scheduled Exports are –

  • Storage Options: The two available options in the Advanced Exports screen are Default (email notification) and External Storage (FTP/SFTP/S3).

  • PDF Structure: You can combine the PDFs in case you want to get a single PDF for all sections/tabs.

  • New Cover Page: The PDF exports will have a cover page by default for branding (Brand logo) and context: title and filters which make the reports more informative & consumable. You can also disable the cover page if you do want to use it.

  • End Date Support in Schedule Details: Ability to add/update end date support for Scheduled Reports/Exports.

  • Cover Page Title: Ability to add/update the filename of the downloaded report/excel/PDF.

  • Widget Settings: You can choose to expand widgets like conversation streams, postcards, tables, etc. to 100% in order to reveal all data in the downloaded report or maintain the same widget structure in the report as in the dashboard.

Note: If a Date Range is set at the Widget level, then it will take precedence over the Date Range that you might have entered at the Schedule Export window.

To create an export of the Listening dashboard

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under Sprinklr Insights tab, click Listening Dashboards within Learn.

  2. On Listening Home, open the desired dashboard whose scheduled export you want to take.

  3. On the Listening dashboard window, click the Options icon in the top right corner and select Export.

  4. On the Export Dashboard popup window, select the dashboard sections you want to export and select the export type. For more info, refer to Export Dashboard – Field Descriptions.

    Note: Click the View Advance & Scheduled Export Settings link to view the advanced scheduled export settings.

  5. Click Export to export the dashboard.

Export dashboard – Field Descriptions



Select the Dashboard Sections to Export

You can either choose the Select All option to select all the dashboard sections or you can individually choose them.

Export Type

You should choose at least one of these options –

  • PDF

  • Excel

  • PNG

  • PPT

  • CSV

PDF Layout and Number of PDFs

You will see these options if you choose PDF as an export type.

  • PDF Layout: Choose the PDF layout as Portrait or Landscape.

  • Number of PDFs: Choose any of these options – One PDF per tab or Single PDF for all tabs.

Excel Structure

You will see this option if you choose Excel as an export type.

Hide PII Data

Clicking this option will hide the PII (personally identifiable information) data.

To create a scheduled export of the Listening dashboard

There are two ways to create a scheduled export of the Listening dashboard –

  1. From the Export Dashboard popup window that pops up upon clicking Export in the dashboard-level options.

  2. From the Sprinklr launchpad – clicking Export under Act within the Sprinklr Insights, and then clicking the Add Scheduled Export button on the Scheduled Exports window. This is demonstrated by the GIF below –

Advanced Scheduled Export Settings

Using Advanced Scheduled Exports Settings, you can customize your export by selecting the file format, adding brand details, and other details. It has four sections –

  • Dashboard Details

  • How to Export

  • What to Export

  • When to Export (schedule)

Dashboard Details

  • Dashboard: This is the name of the dashboard you are exporting.

    Note: If you are coming to this window directly from Scheduled Exports, you have to select the dashboard that you want to export.

  • Date Range: This shows the date range. You can edit the date range to schedule an export. Either you can select any given date range or you can define a custom date range. If you are defining a data range manually, you need to select a Start Date & Start Time and End Date & End Time to schedule an export.

  • Filters: There are two options –

    • Apply dashboard filters: Select this option to keep the selected dashboard filters intact.

    • Apply new set of filters: Select this option to apply a new dashboard filter(s).

  • Select the Dashboard Sections to Export: You can either choose the Select All option to select all the dashboard sections or you can choose them individually.

How to Export

Brand your export by defining file format, content, and cover page

  • Add Image: Click the Addition icon to add the brand logo. You have two options here: either Add from SAM or Media Valet.

  • Export Type: You should choose at least one of these options: PDF, Excel, PNG, PPT, HTML+, and CSV.

  • Export Name: The title on the cover of the exported file and/or scheduled export.

  • PDF Layout: Choose the PDF layout as Portrait or Landscape.

  • Number of PDFs: Choose any of these two options – One PDF per tab or Single PDF for all tabs.

    Note: The PDF Layout and Number of PDFs option will not appear if you choose PDF as an export type.

  • Email Embed Format: This option is only available with PDF and PNG export types.

    • If you choose PDF, the available email embed formats are None and HTML.

    • If you choose PNG, the available email embed formats are PNG and HTML.

  • Excel Structure: You need to define the excel file structure if you have selected Excel as an export type. The two options are Every Widget in separate Excel Sheets and All widgets in a single Excel Sheet.

  • Format Your Export: You can format your export in different ways – Show Filters, Show Annotations, and Show Metrics Definition. You can use any of these options.

  • Storage Options: There are two options for receiving files available in storage –

    • Default: This will send the export in an email. It is checked by default.

  • External Storage: Transfer & store files in FTP/SFTP/S3. Once the FTP/SFTP/S3 is set up, the export will be automatically saved in FTP/SFTP/S3 without any manual intervention.

    Note: The external storage configurations (FTP/SFTP/S3) that you have created and/or that have been shared with you will be listed here in the external storage dropdown options.​

  • Hide PII Data: Clicking this option will hide the PII (personally identifiable information) data.

What to Export

  • Configure Columns in Excel for Conversation Streams: It is a clickable link that will open the Configure Columns in Excel for Conversation Streams popup window where you need to configure the columns of your Excel export. You can simply drag the items from the left page and drop them to the right pane. You can also arrange the order and set priorities.

  • Data Labels: You can choose any of these –

    • As On Dashboard: Show data labels that are visible on the dashboard.

    • Hide for All Widgets: Exclude data labels on the dashboard that are shown on tooltips.

    • Show for All Widgets: Include data labels that are not visible on the dashboard but are shown on tooltips.

When To Export (Schedule)

Within When To Export (schedule), you can manage schedule frequency, time, recipients, and custom email content for your exports. You need to fill the following fields –

  • Tags: Select the tags that you want to add to your Schedule Dashboard Export.

  • Schedule: Choose one of the schedule options – Download Immediately (selected by default), Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.

    Note: While creating a Scheduled Export, you can define the exact minute for your daily export. For example, if you want to schedule an export at 10:30 AM/PM daily, you can select Daily in Schedule, 10 in Hours, 30 in Minutes, and select AM/PM as desired.

  • Add End Date: Select an end date for your Schedule Dashboard Export.

  • Recipients: Select users and/or user groups as recipients. You can also add email IDs of external users.

  • Send me a copy of export: Toggle the button to the right to receive a copy of the Schedule Dashboard Export.

  • Subject: Enter the subject for the email.

  • Sender: Enter the sender for the email.

  • Reply To: Enter an email for users to send replies to.

  • Email Footer Note: Add the note that you want to show as an email footer note.

  • Message: In the Message box, you can type a custom email that you would like to send to the recipients. It will have the same text editing functionality as the Text widget.

    Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your success manager.

  • Contextual Data: Toggle this option right to enable Contextual Data. Enabling this option will send only the user's respective locations' data in exports from the dashboard (personalized rendering). This can be used for Location Insights.

    Note: Once you create a scheduled export of your Listening dashboard, you must make it active by sliding the Status toggle button to the right.

    Add Location form

HTML+ exports

HTML+ is an advanced export in which the entire content of the dashboard is embedded in the email body without the need for any clicks, downloads, or attachments. Most executives want all the information to be clearly visible in the email itself, and this export type does exactly that.

A sample email with HTML+ export is given below –

Salient features

The salient features of the HTML+ export type are as follows –

  • The final export is fully engageable in the email that saves valuable time for executives by avoiding unnecessary clicks or downloads.

  • To create an advanced export with this new export type, you just need to select the HTML+ option under Export Type in the Advanced & Scheduled Export form. Everything else remains the same as before.

Major characteristics

The major characteristics of the export email are as follows –

  • This export email is responsive across laptops and mobile devices.

  • The posts are clickable and easily readable across devices. Each post has information like user profile, message type, date, source icon, followers, following, message content, and a view post button which takes the user to native.

  • This is available only for Listening's Conversation Stream widget.

  • Media types supported along-with the post content: image, video, or GIF (shown as a static image).

  • You can customize the number of posts displayed in the email using the Display Options field when you edit the conversation stream widget.

  • You can choose the sorting order of posts by using the Sort entries by option when you edit the conversation stream widget.

  • Each widget from the dashboard (except conversation stream, which is rendered as explained in point 2) is rendered as an image in a separate row in the email body. Hence, each widget is clearly visible in the email body and also zoomable.

  • If multiple tabs are exported, the widgets from the first tab are displayed, followed by the second tab, and so on.

Options available for Scheduled Exports

  • Edit: Click Edit to open the Schedule Export window where you can make the desired changes and then save it.

  • Clone: Click Clone to open the Schedule Export window. Name the Scheduled Export (by default, it will add clone at the end of the existing name). Click Save. A cloned Scheduled Export is added to the Schedule Export dashboard list view.

  • Trigger: Click Trigger to export trigger for the Scheduled Export.

  • Delete: Click Delete to delete the scheduled export. A reconfirmation window to delete Scheduled Export will appear. Click Delete to delete the Scheduled Export permanently.

  • Share: Click Share to share the scheduled export with user(s) and/or user group(s) of a particular workspace.

To share Scheduled Exports

  1. On the Scheduled Exports record manager window, hover over the Options icon next to the scheduled export you want to share, and click Share.

  2. On the Share Scheduled Export window, first select the Workspace or Workspace Groups in which you want to make your scheduled export visible. And then you can give Edit and/or View permissions, as needed.

  3. Select workspace, user groups, users, and/or roles you want to share the Edit or View permission with –

    • Edit: User(s) or user groups with the Edit permission will have all the permissions like editing, cloning, triggering, deleting, and sharing the scheduled export.

    • View: User(s) or user group(s) with the View permission will only have the 2 permissions – cloning and sharing the scheduled export.

  4. Click Share.


  1. Whenever you create a new scheduled export and you do not share it with any user or user group, the scheduled export will not be listed in their Scheduled Exports record manager window.

  2. When a scheduled export is shared with another user, the associated external storage configuration will be automatically shared with the view access. Hence, the owner of the scheduled export is not required to manually share the external storage configuration. This will help in maintaining consistency in the handling of scheduled exports for all the users having edit access to it.

    • If you share the View permission of your Scheduled Export with other users, they will be able to view not only the scheduled export on their Scheduled Exports record manager but also the external source configured in that scheduled export in their External Sources record manager. Please note that, since only the View permission has been shared, users will be able to only view the external source in their record manager and in the dropdown options while creating a Scheduled Export.

    • If you share the Edit permission of your Scheduled Export with other users, they will be able to edit the scheduled export and view the external storage configured in the scheduled export. Please note that the Edit permission of Scheduled Export does not let the users edit the external storage configuration added to the scheduled export. In order to do that, they must have the Edit permission of that external storage.

  3. For all the existing Scheduled Export configurations, the current governance conditions will be retained. The changes will only be applicable to the newly configured Scheduled Exports.

To disable the Export Cover page

If you do not want to use the cover page for your Scheduled Export, you can simply disable it. Go to the Scheduled Export window, and find the Export Cover option in the right pane. By default, the Export Cover option is enabled. Toggle it to the left to disable it. This is demonstrated by the GIF below –

Ability to attach PDF/PNG/Excel files in Scheduled Export instead of ZIP files

The default Scheduled Export emails for Sprinklr Insights with PDF/PNG/Excel export types contain a download button that downloads the zip file which the users need to extract for getting individual files and viewing the reports. This is time-consuming and burdensome to do, especially on mobile devices.

You can get a feature enabled in your environment to get the individual files directly attached at the bottom of the export emails. This saves time to view insights by giving users the ability to view attached files on the go.


Only files up to 8 MB will be attached. Once the size crosses 8 MB, the remaining files will be skipped from the direct attachment.

Note: The Download button is still available to download the zip file containing all files.

If a scheduled export generates 3 PDFs with each having a size of 3 MB then the email will only have 2 PDFs and the third one will be skipped from direct attachment.

Note: The Download button will still be available to download the zip file containing all 3 files.

If a scheduled export generates a single PDF with size > 8 MB then the email will not have any direct attachment.

Note: The Download button will still be available to download the zip file containing the single PDF file.

Enablement note: Raise a support ticket or reach out to your success manager for getting this capability enabled. Please specify the partner name and export types (one or more from PDF, PNG, Excel) that you would like to get enabled.