Apple Business Chat (ABC) - Templates


Before you start

You can find the complete API documentation for the Asset Templates on this link.

Navigating to Omni Channel Templates in the Asset Manager

1. To navigate to create asset page in the Digital Asset Manager (DAM), follow Steps 1-2 in the Knowledge Base Article (Creating an Asset)

2. Select Omni Chat Templates from Create Asset >> Templates >> Omni Chat Templates

Building ABC Templates

1. Date Picker

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Create a Date/time picker)


Format: A UTC date string, represented by a valid date in ISO-8601 format and specified as absolute GMT +0000 date

2. Forms

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Create a Forms Message)


Character Limit:

Label Text: 30 Character limit

3. Quick Reply

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Quick Reply Template)


  1. Up to five quick replies are supported per message.

  2. Quick replies are supported on iOS 15 or higher.

4.Date Picker

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Date Picker)


Image: The image should be a @3x image sized at 375 x 208 points (that is, 1125 x 624 pixels)

Time: A UTC date string, represented by a valid date in ISO-8601 format and specified as absolute GMT +0000 date; for example, 2017-05-26T08:27:55+00:00, 2017-05-26T08:27:55+0000, or 2017-05-26T08:27:55Z​

5. List Picker

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (List Picker)


Image: The list picker displays an image that is 60 x 60 pixels. To ensure that the image looks its best on Retina and standard resolution displays, send a @3x image (180 x 180 pixels)

6. Authentication Template

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Authentication Template)

7. Apple Pay

1. Navigate to Omni Channel Templates

2. Follow the steps in the KB Article (Apple Pay)