How to Transfer Call to Agent


The Sprinklr IVR Assign agent Node is a crucial component that seamlessly assigns incoming calls to designated work queues, resulting in optimized agent allocation and streamlined call distribution. Leveraging advanced algorithms and tight integration with Unified Routing, this feature ensures efficient call management and enhances customer experiences. By intelligently matching caller requirements with agent skills, it enables organizations to deliver exceptional service.

Pre-requisite for configuring this node in IVR:

  1. Sprinklr Voice should be enabled for the environment and your user should have IVR View, Edit, or Create permission.

  2. A work queue should be created and the user in the work queue should have the required permission to take calls.

In order to transfer call to agents, In the IVR Builder, click the New Space_Icon_Addition.png  icon on the path where you want to assign call to agent select the Assign agent node action under system nodes.

Here is the sample configuration for the node-


Major components are-

  1. Work Queue: In this field you need to choose the work queue to which you need assign the call.

  2. Timeout Duration: In this field you can define the maximum time the user will wait till the call is successfully transferred and received by an agent. As soon as this time is exceeded, the user will be removed from the queue and moved to the timeout leg of the IVR. You can also externally manage the timeout duration after which a caller is brought back from the queue to the IVR for additional options. For each queue, you can control the timeout duration which can be pulled from external source, all without modifying the IVR flow.

  3. Wait time IVR: Here you can define wait time IVR which will be played for the customer while customer will wait in the queue.

    Note: This is only supported in Ozonotel. Its not supported in Twilio.

  4. Preferred agent: In this field you can provide any preferred agent for any particular call, you have to select resource which contains the user id of the preferred agent.

    Use cases: Sometimes CRM sends the preferred agent for any call based on past interaction or we want to drive preferred agent from past cases in Sprinklr.

  5. Try and assign to only preferred agent: By enabling this, the system will only try to assign call to the preferred agent only, In case its disabled the system will try to assign to preferred agent and if that agent is not available than system will assign call to other eligible agent.

  6. Disable Transcripts: This controls the transcript of the conversation between agent and customer

    Note: The ASR engine will be transcribe conversation in language selected on IVR. If that language is not supported in ASR, the default ASR engine will be used for transcribing.

  7. Disable Recordings: This controls the recording of the conversation between agent and customer.

  8. Compliance Poilcy: Select the compliancy policy. For each queue, you can control the compliance policy which can be pulled from external source, all without modifying the IVR flow.

  9. Select Highlight Field: In this field you can select the case custom fields which will be visible to the agent on the call popup.

  10. Wait Music: You have the flexibility to configure distinct wait music for various work queues, tailoring the experience based on demographics and other criteria.

    Add the MP3 audio file from Digital Asset Manager which will be played for the customers when they wait in the queue or are put on hold by the agent.

After setting the Assign Agent node, 3 new paths will be created:

  1. Agent Busy: This leg gets executed if total retries of assignment(either agent decline the call or didn't pick up the call) defined in the queue gets exhausted. This threshold can be configured in the queue under General settings, screenshot is given below.

    Note: This is to ensure that if agents are missing or declining the call than call shouldn't go and keep getting offered to multiple people which lead to high wait time, by using this path you can customise the logic on this path and may be offer callback or deflect.

  2. Completed: Completed leg gets executed after successful completion of user - agent contact, as soon as the call ends.

    Note: This can be used to send survey or do some post call tagging, etc

  3. Timeout: This leg is executed if call dosent get picked by any agent for the timeout defined in the queue. You can use this to announce the waittime or offer callback, etc