Add an API Skill


The API skill enables the Digital Twin to interact with external systems or services by making API calls, allowing for seamless integration and data exchange. This skill is invaluable for accessing and leveraging information from external sources to enrich user interactions.

To Add an API Skill

  1. Name: Assign a name to the API skill that reflects its purpose or function.

  2. Description: Provide a brief description outlining the specific API calls and their intended use.

  3. API: Choose the API endpoint or service you want the Digital Twin to interact with from the available options.

Application of the API Skill in Task Management

Consider a scenario where a telecom company wants to integrate its Digital Twin with its CRM system to provide personalized recommendations for mobile plans. The company can create an API skill and choose the CRM API endpoint that allows access to customer profiles, subscription history, and plan preferences.

Once integrated into a task, this API skill allows the Digital Twin to seamlessly communicate with the CRM system, fetch relevant customer information, and tailor its recommendations based on individual preferences and usage patterns. This enhances the customer experience by providing personalized and targeted mobile plan suggestions.